Tumblr Thursday

Happy Thursday MTG peeps,

Today, being Thursday, what a most appropriate time to catch up with our sister site, MTG Realm on Tumblr and see what they've been up too this past week.   
Magic: the Gathering - Ravnica Television Now on R-TV - The Gruul Bunch, a sit-com featuring the Rubblebelt’s most beloved dysfunctional family, the Utvarans.
Magic: the Gathering - Ravnica Television
Now on R-TV - The Gruul Bunch, a sit-com featuring the Rubblebelt’s most beloved dysfunctional family, the Utvarans.

Magic: the Gathering - Little Known Facts SeriesIt’s nearly impossible to keep on the shelves.Suture Priest, New Phyrexia common, Illustration by Igor Kieryluk
Magic: the Gathering - Little Known Facts Series

It’s nearly impossible to keep on the shelves.

Suture Priest, New Phyrexia common, Illustration by Igor Kieryluk

Magic: the Gathering - Your Local Store

Jack’s on Queen in Elmvale, Ontario sells comic books, manga and graphic novels. They also have a variety of collectible figurines, CCG’s like Magic and Pokemon and movie memorabilia! 18 Queen Street West, Elmvale, Ontario, Canada-Land. (705) 515-1300

Magic: the Gathering - WMCQ

World Magic Cup Qualifiers will be run the weekends of April 6–7, April 20–21, and June 1–2, 2013 in seventy-one countries.  an alternate-art Vengevine will be given to all participants (while supplies last) and Top 8 players will earn an exclusive World Magic Cup Qualifier Top 8 playmat.

Vengevine, Rise of the Eldrazi Mythic Rare - Original card art illustrated by Raymond Swanland, Promo card art by Trevor Claxton.


Magic: the Gathering - The Secretist Series
Summary posted to today’s MTG Realm articles :
• ‘Return to Ravnica: The Secretist, Part One
• ‘Gatecrash: The Secretist, Part Two
Fodder for Dragon’s Maze speculation ! - Guild Champions !


Magic: the Gathering - Your local FNM
Heroes World - Markham Town Square Plaza, Markham, Ontario, Canada-Land. 

Magic: The Gathering ― Path of Vengeance #3 (of 4)
Matt Forbeck (w) • Martin Coccolo (a) • Chris Rahn (c)
Dack Fayden has finally uncovered Sifa Grent’s plan for Ravnica… and it could bring unbelievable devastation to the city-plane! Now, Dack must make his way through Ravnica, with Rakdos cultists and city guards hot on his trail, in the hope that he can stop Sifa before it’s too late!

Magic: the Gathering - Grand Prix Tournament
2,693 gamers at GP Charlotte 2013 - images from Joey Pasco ‏@AffinityForBlue and Magic Pro Tour ‏@magicprotour


Baby, Baby, Baby Nursery - Bailey of Peppermint Bliss

Happy Thursday lovers.

I love today because:

1. it's baby check-up and ultrasound time...I get so excited for it every week.

2. it's...

...day and I'm extra excited because I get to welcome one of my designing/blogging idols, Bailey of...

 Now I know you all are well versed in the magic that is this girl's style, aesthetic and keen wit but since I have a minute here, I might as well wax poetically about it/her for just as jiffy.

I'm basically obsessed with Bailey's and her ballzy self.

I adore how she's not afraid of colour or pattern and love her all the more because she always embraces so much whimsy in her designs...I sort of feel like she's my 'pusher' if you will...and by that, I mean that when I'm sitting at home alone with my computer and design boards, images in my head of her home(s) always make me feel insanely inspired...her latest black and marble bathroom for example...it's completely the one I've had in my head forever and if I could, I'd replicate it to a T...total copy cat styles...I'd take the heat for the replication, just so I could revel in the beauty that was my bathroom...yup I would.

Anyhoo...I love her...clearly.

And when she sent over not one, but TWO baby boards, I became that much more enamoured.

Here's why...


Loveseat (call for availability)

Loveseat- (call for availability)

I mean really right?

The wallpaper selections along have me all hot and bothered like and I've been lusting after that peach goddess of a Biscuit loveseat FOREVES.

Oh and that malachite dresser in the second board...holy sweet mother of fart.
It's all just like a giant chococate popsicle on a hot summer day....yuuuuuummmeeeee.

And speaking of things that taste delicious, #projectbaby got a little kick in the pants yesterday with the delivery of my Mouille knock-offs and hand forget brass metal art...

The lettering is done by an amazing artist named Paul Smotrys (Gauge NYCthat I discovered through a store called Gleena Ceramics.

I was browsing the beautiful selection of goodies from Gleena and came across a series of metal script types but alas, they were much too small for what I was looking for.

A quick email to the shop owner, along with a few exchanges with the artist, and voila...I had my very own, hand made brass script commissioned and on its way.
I'm all kinds of obsessed with it.

And since I know some of you really want to know where the sconces came from, I purchased those bad boys at one of my Toronoto favourity 'must hits' for all things interesting/vintage/cool, MORBA.

They set me back about 1/6th the price of the real delios.
Very pleased.

And speaking of things that are satisfying me, a huge thanks to everyone who case their vote in yesterday's 'Great Sconce Debate'.

I've tallied the votes so far and it looks like #3 and #5 are in the lead, with #2 and #17 tied for second place, and #6, #10 and #18 rounding out the top 3...we'll see what happens today and I'll order up the winners tomorrow...PS, my favourites were the two hollywood dressing room/light bulb options (#11 and #13)...apparently very few of you agreed with me since they were both tied for 2nd last place:(

If you haven't personally told me what to do yet, please do so...will love you forever.


My Kitchen Pendants and a Circa Goodman Substitute

Along with what seems like every other decorator on the planet, I love Circa Lighting's Goodman cone pendants. The prices rance from about $400 to $900 each depending on the finish. They are so gorgeous:

(all images via Circa's Blog)

When I was deciding on pendants for our little kitchen remodel (both in size and in budget), I really wanted something like those from Circa. If only these paper shade cone pendants from Shades of Light existed at the time! Maybe for our next house :)

For our kitchen though we ended up with these black/oil-rubbed bronze pendants from Home Depot (of all places!). I wasn't even looking for pendants that trip to the HD, but they sang out to me from across the light bulb aisle.

I bought three on the spot for about $75 each, which is a pretty great deal, I think.

We love how they look with the newly painted cabinets and they work great - so no regrets here for going the inexpensive route this time.

Where did you buy your kitchen sconces?

i stepped out today for the first time since Sat. i kind of felt like the girl up top....big smile on my face, wind blowing in my hair, sun gleaming down...see when you've been cooped up for 14 days w/ everyone in your family having the flu, the first day out feels like heaven.  so what did i do.... after my meeting, i headed straight to target!  and went right to the beauty aisle with my phone in hand, on pinterest, searching for natalie's recommendations for "cheap buy's" (i don't know why i think that is so fun...but i do love a bargain :)  i guess everyone else does too b/c half the stuff was bought out!!  it didn't matter though b/c it was great just getting out again...cheers to being almost well!!!!

*images courtesy of lucy laucht, leta austin foster, tim babber,  my cup of te

The Secretist Part 2

Happy Tuesday MTG peeps,

This is post number two of two (first one here) of our exploration of Doug Beyer's book series 'The Secretist' which provides Wizard of the Coast's literary back-drop to Magic: the Gathering's Return to Ravnica set.  Previously, WotC had published paperbacks to accompany select sets but have moved this to eBooks in keeping with the times.  The first book, 'Return to Ravnica: The Secretist, Part One' sets the stage for a re-introduction of the plane of Ravnica and provides some components which resulted in printed cards found in the first set of the Return to Ravnica block. In this post we'll loook at 'Gatecrash: The Secretist, Part Two'.  Buy your eBooks online - these are significantly less expensive than previous paper copies, and you don't even require a eReader as you can read within a browser.  If you are like us here at MTG Realm, you will likely not only want to bathe in the flavour of the story line but have the actual game card as well.  Drop by MTG Mint Card to pick up Magic: the Gathering Singles from this set and others.

When we last left our telepathic protagonist Jace, he had discovered a code inscribed in ancient stone in Ravnica's historic Tenth District. It points at something called the Implicit Maze, and as Jace delves deeper, he finds that this mystery connects to the mysterious project of the brilliant dragon Niv-Mizzet and the Izzet guild the dragon commands.

This information is so dangerous, so likely to warp the equilibrium of the ten guilds in this post-Guildpact world, that Jace has taken extreme steps to extricate himself from the whole matter.


Here are some notes from 'Gatecrash: The Secretist, Part Two'.  Read the eBook, and drop us a line in the comment thingy to discuss.

Chapter 1 - A Wanted Mind
Jace and Emmara are confronted of Mirko Vosk who discovers that Jace had purged his mind of his research. Niv-Mizzet has Ral Zareck switch gears on the Maze project.  The demon Rakdos has the blood-wtich Exava initiate a riot. 
Chapter 2 - Unfamiliar Depths
Isperia, the Sphinx guild leader of the Azorius reassigns Officer Lavinia to a desk job.  The vampire Mirko Vosk is punished by the Dimir guild leader Lazav. 
Chapter 3 - Stirring Up the Past
Jace and Emmara meet Trostani, Jace makes no friends, especially with the Selesnya Elf Captain Calomir.  Ral Zarek and Skreeg piece together Jace's investigation at his destroyed study.  

Chapter 4 - Aid from an Enemy
The Rakdos, lead by Exava riot while Jace meets with Lavinia at New Prahv.  Ral's search dead-ends at the Forum of Azor, seeds of suspicion are sewn within Emarra and Jace needs help from the two headed Ogre Ruric Thar.

Chapter 5 - Changes of Heart
Selesnya prepares to march against the
Rakdos, while Niv-Mizzet and Ral begin to understand the Implicit Maze. 

Chapter 6 - Armies in the Streets
Rakdos, Gruul, Selesnya and Boros clash in the streets.

Chapter 7 - Rough Crowds
Jace is captured by Exava and then in turn by Captain Calomir while Niv-Mizzet makes an important announcement.

Chapter 8 - Unmasking
Lazav reveals himself to Jace and promptly imprisons him.

 - cliffhanger -

The Secretist Part 1

Happy Tuesday MTG peeps,

This is post number one of two (second one here) of our exploration of Doug Beyer's book series 'The Secretist' which provides Wizard of the Coast's literary back-drop to Magic: the Gathering's Return to Ravnica set.  Previously, WotC had published paperbacks to accompany select sets but have moved this to eBooks in keeping with the times.  The first book, 'Return to Ravnica: The Secretist, Part One' sets the stage for a re-introduction of the plane of Ravnica and provides some components which resulted in printed cards found in the first set of the Return to Ravnica block.  Buy your eBooks online - these are significantly less expensive than previous paper copies, and you don't even require a eReader as you can read within a browser.  If you are like us here at MTG Realm, you will likely not only want to bathe in the flavour of the story line but have the actual game card as well.  Drop by MTG Mint Card to pick up Magic: the Gathering Singles from this set and others.

Jace Beleren has the power to travel between planes of the Multiverse, but with this gift comes isolation. He is one in a million. He is a planeswalker. And he is on the edge of a mystery that could alter the face of his adopted home—a vast, world-wide city known as Ravnica—forever.

Faced with a magical code that is built into the very foundations of the city-world itself, Jace marches into the numinous depths of Ravnica’s underbelly in search of the promise of powerful magic. What he finds is perhaps more burden than boon.  Once buried in past, the code resurfaces as Ravnica’s power-hungry mage guilds, unbound by the Guildpact that had once maintained order, struggle for control of the plane. But in the drive for primacy, there is no neutral ground.

Jace knows that he can’t crack the code on his own, not while the guilds task teams of mages to unravel the mysteries, but he also knows that the danger of the quest is too great to include his friends. As the mystery begins to unravel, the choice may not be his alone.


Here are some notes from 'Return to Ravnica: The Secretist, Part One'.  Read the eBook, and drop us a line in the comment thingy to discuss.

Chapter 1 - Knocking on Doors
Our main character, the Planeswalker Jace Beleren is working within the Tenth District of Ravnica with the Vedalken Kavin.  Toegether they are attempting to understand ancient runes and patterns found on stone work around the district - something that the Izzet Guild appears to be interested as well.  This is confirmed when another young Planeswalker Ral Zarek, aligned with Izzet is introduced, along with his fav Izzet Goblin mage side-kick 'Skreeg'.  There's a dust-up with the Golgari in the ancient tunnels as Ral is attempting to locate powerful leylines of old mana energry.  Emmara, an Elf Healer re-connects with Jace and tries to persuade him to join the Selesnya Conclave but can't convince him.  Mirko Vosk, presumably a Dimir Spy overhears all and reports back to his boss.

Chapter 2 - Inside the Firemind
Jace and Kavin make significant progress in their investigation.  Niv-Mizzet and Trostani is introduced while the Dimir continue to plot.

Chapter 3 - Mind Sculpting
Jace feels that his new knowledge now places him in danger and wants to destroy
his and his assistant's memories of their research.

Chapter 4 - The Reach of the Law
The Rakdos, Azorius and a Gruul Ogre all make plays to secure Jace or rather what he may know.

Chapter 5 - The Rough Crowd
Jace attempts to rescue the kidnapped Emmara from the Rakdos. Exava, a Blood-Witch battles Jace.

Chapter 6 - The Path Below
Possibly our favourite character in the book, a witty / sarcastic Viashino is provided a page or two here.  Jace searches the depths for Emmara, while Ral makes no friends with the Azorious in his search for the leyline / mana-braid.  Cliffhanger end as the vampire Mirko faces off against Jace and Emmara.
Stay tuned for part two when we dig into the newest MTG novel, 'Gatecrash: The Secretist, Part Two'.


The Great Sconce Debate - #projectgetroomsreadyforkids

I mentioned yesterday that I was going to elicit (PS...I sort of hate that word...brings to mind hookers for some reason...weird I know and not sure why I feel the need to share that but so it goes;) some help re: basement bathroom sconces.

In the past few weeks, I've had to decide on many design elements and in all honesty, my brain is sort of hurting from it all.

So, this is where you come in.

I need help deciding between my rather large collection of saved sconce favourites.

To make things interesting, I promise (with my fingers sort of tied behind my back- jokes) that I'll go with what the majority chooses.

Please keep in mind:

a. The hardware is Kohler Purist and is in this new vibrant brushed gold finish so any brass sconces that I pick will be slightly different in tone.
b. I'm debating between brass and black.
c. There is a wide range of price here and of course, my favourites are the $$ ones...zero surprise there...even if you know which ones are cheaper/more expensive, please just choose your absolute most loved.
d. I attempted to show the sconces in their correct scale so you'll note that some are smallish and some are huge styles.
e. no ceiling fixture has been chosen yet but it will be something small and flush mounted so the sconces need to provide as much light as possible.

And here's what you have to pick from...



















So...what say you?

Majority rules.

Oh and just as a public service type of announcement before I go, many of these fixtures are Visual Comfort and thankfully for all of us, one of my most beloved online shops


...is now carrying their entire line!!!

That my friends, is beuno news for all of us....and whispers, they've also loaded up on Oly Studio pretty so major wins.

Happy voting/shopping for your own goodness.
