Photography LOVE ...Lorna

I've had a beautiful start to my day...I stumbled upon something this morning that literally took my breathe away....a perfect example of why I don't like creating posts ahead of the prefer to write about what's inspiring me at this exact moment and let me tell you...what's coming up in this post is doing just that.

I was in the middle of pulling things together for a different post when I came across an image that literally made me gasp...

From this photo, you'll be able to guess that the post I was putting together was about my favourite pink bird...still love the dear flamingo but it's the photograph that I can't stop thinking about.

After linking back from the original photo, I landed me on the website of...

Lorna...aka photography genius.

There are very few times in my life that I have wished to live somewhere else...seeing this portfolio seriously made me hate not having children where this studio is...I haven't been able to nail down it's exact location but I'm thinking, based on the phone number, that it's in England {edit...I just received an email from Lorna herself...PS...dying...she's in Scotland}...not Toronto...but holy Dinah...I'd do a lot of things to have my kidlets photographed by her.

Her work is... "Inspired by dark forests, magical landscapes and old fairytales, Lorna uses her imagination and unique style to produce spellbinding images. Her children's portraiture gives her the opportunity to do what she loves best; creating enchanting pictures to be treasured forever. Each image is unique and created entirely by Lorna. From the first rough sketch to the final detailed retouching."

According to me, it's absolute incredibly special...

Have you ever?
I haven't.

Beyond, beyond amazing.

Believe me when I tell you...this post was just a very small tast of Lorna's can see more of her incredible portofolio here and read all about her inspirations on Lornaland.

And, you can also purchase a little of Lorna's magic for yourself... she has a new picture book that's being realeased in January...

you can pre-order now's already in my basket.

