A Console and a Trip

I"m hours away from heading on a little trip to...

to visit my sister and her family...mostly I'm going to see my two gorgeous nieces...happy, happy.

Hubster had a business trip in the area so we're all going...minus the teenager...she's staying home to man the fort...cue mommy nervous dance.


Plane leaves in 4 hours and well, I've got ten zillion things to organize before then so I have to keep it short.

I thought I'd leave you with a few pictures of my new console.

To review...it's an IKEA Malm that thanks to Meredith's brill idea and Tim's amazing skill, has been transformed into a gold leafed piece of heaven.

I'm still playing around with the styling...you'll note the difference in the photos....first picture is how it is now.

I want to add a pair of Staffordshire dogs {hope you're reading this husband/Santa} and the new Louboutin goddess of a book...and a few other little tchotchkes {PS...I totes had to look up how to spell that and wasn't even remotely close the first time...it's a toughy and I'm a spelling looser} for good measure.

For now though, I adore it.

Perfect size...perfect gold...perfect.

And with that, I have to bid you adieu for now.

Please think happy dog thoughts again today {news coming today or tomorrow} and safe travel ones as well...turns out I hate flying ever since I pushed out a few kids...giving birth and becoming a mom does bizarro things to your brain chemistry...fyi.

Oh and one more thing...I'm SOOOOO excited that as part of my trip I get to meet Alex, Alaina and Danielle in person...we're having a girl's night out in the big windy city...fun, fun, fun.

Later lovers.

