Dog Days

I woke up this morning to find my sweet Lola dog  in rather a bad way.

It seems she cut her paw...large...while on a walk this morning.

My bed looked like someone was murdered on it.

Not pretty and not a great start to the day...for me...but mostly not for her.

We're heading the vet in an hour and in the meantime, since I have dog on the brain....

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a little pooch editorial fabulous...seemed fitting... and PS...right dog is Lola's doppelganger.

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Don't the doglets just make everything more delightful?

My Lola makes us all crazy but let me tell you...our house would not be anything close to our home without her.

She's love in a nutshell.

And you know what else is pretty great?

This new dogish blog I discovered while putting this pooch post together.

It's pages are filled with all kinds of pretty...and I don't just mean dog stuff...interiors, fashion, know...all the yumminess we all like.

My favourite posts are the Miles & Me ones... 


And there's more...

any blog that can find fashion illustrations and sequins in both dog and people style...well...colour me impressed.

Count this girl a new follower of Miles of Style...I wonder if she named her dog Miles because she knew it would make such a great blog title?

Likely not but lucky break on that front;)

And's shower/vet time for yours truly.

God speed all....if you have your won dogorama, give him/her an extra hug today...they deserve it.

