Giveaway - Novica

Goodmorning all.

I'm very happy to be introducing you to an amazing website...Novica.

"NOVICA is one of the leading fair trade artisan websites. We work with National Geographic to give talented artisans around the world a place to express their artistic talents and provide access to the world market.  The website is a global platform that allows talented artisans to share their work and spur their creativitiy."

A quick look at the site and you'll find a huge assortment of hand made gorgeous...beautiful housewares, accessories (for him and her,jewelry and art...there's definitely something special for everyone.

A little preview of some of the pretties currently available...

So much talent around the world and having access to these amazing artisans...well that's just a great thing.

And you know what else is happiness?

The fact that Novica is offering 2 lucky readers a $75 gift certificate!!!


To enter:
1. Leave a comment below

For extra entries:
{and remember to leave a seperate comment for each}

1. Visit the Novica website and tell me what you'd use your gift certificate to buy
2. Follow Novica on Twitter
3. Like Novica on Facebook
4. Become a new follower of B&B
5. Tweet the giveaway
{be sure to include tags @bijouandboheme and @NOVICA}

And for a special extra 3 entries:

Visit Novica Live...their gifts and jewelry home party division.
"Want to make a difference in the world AND enjoy a rewarding career? As a NOVICA Live Home Party Consultant, you can take control of your life and work on your own terms, while bringing fashionable fair trade, handcrafted treasures direct to customers through our unique home parties.  Become the authority on beautiful artisan-crafted jewelry, scarves, shawls, accessories and gifts, as you take the reins on your fresh new career. With a friendly team, fabulous products and a worthy cause, the sky is the limit!"
Sign up to get more information on becoming a consultant and bingo, 3 more entries are yours.
So there you have up to 9 chances to enter...good stuff.
I'll draw for the winner on Saturday.
