A Flight of Fancy...in Fur

Turns out there's something big in the works.

I can't tell you what it is but let's just say it involves me whipping a few rooms in my house into shape...QUICKLY {and don't worry- this isn't a long secret...I'll spill the beans in a few weeks}.

Trouble is...Christmas is almost upon us...aka...I've got zero dineros to spend.

So...this lady's going to have to get crafty.

I've got a pretty ginormous list of things that have to be done before said secret happens.

Curtains have to go up in a few rooms, little extras have to be added, and the wallpaper has to be finished in my foyer.

There was actually another large item on the list but yours truly took care of if DIY styles over the weekend.

It all started when I went to a local fabric shop to pick up the green cotton for my son's curtain panels.
As I was getting it cut, I noticed a bag of blushy chenille faux fur sitting on the floor, all wrapped up...it took 20 minutes of perhaps the worst service ever to actually get the bag open, sort out the price and decide that 2 meters of it HAD to come home with me- when your's truly sees blush and fur all mixed together...well let's just say it's a given that some of it had to be purchased...it didn't hurt that the price was only $16/meter either.

Anyhoo...after buying said fabric I raced home thinking that perhaps it would make a lovely throw blanket for my bed.

But then I remembered the orangey/pink velvet chairs in my living room that were in desperate need of an upholstery make-over and well...a veritable light bulb went off.

I cut the fabric in half lengthwise, sent hubster to the hardware store to buy a staple gun and went to town on the chairs.

An hour and a few hundred staples later...they were done.

I'm sorry that there aren't that many shots from the front- my kitchen is open behind the chairs so well...that has to stay under wraps for just a little longer:(

Anyhoo...I might have gone and totally lost my mind but I'm kind of impressed with myself.

I made poodle chairs (thanks Meredith for the coinage- love it) for 50 bones...and they're kind of fun no?

