Some Darkness has Happened in Mac's Room

If you remember, I was wanting to order this goodness for Mac's room....

Unfortunately, my original calculations were wrong and it would have cost me way more than I have/want to spend to do the whole room so....

I asked Meredith for help and she suggested painting out the trim a dark colour.

So, because I'm smart and listen to what she says, I did it.

In Benjamin Moore Anchor Grey to be exact...

It was the hugest pain in my ass to do...the paint bled through the tape and it  took ours of hand  scraping to get all the paint blobs off the wall but...I enjoy it...a lot.

And...there's more.

You might have noticed that the dresser that's usually there is missing.

Well it's been taken to my new BFF Tim, over at Beresford Inc.

He's performing some of his usual magic on it and has been given this as a project brief...

It's Amber's ridonkulously fabulous office cabinet and it's being used as inspiration for Malcolm's old IKEA know the one...well soon, it's going to be a....

just you wait.

Along with the painting progress, some lighting changes have also occurred in Mac attack's room.

In keeping with the old English library/meets jungle theme, I found and snapped up this thing of beauty from my absolute favourite local lighting gem, Sam the Chandelier Man...

Sure my Mac may not love it when he's 15 but for now, mommy adores it so...she's staying.

I love how the gold detailing looks like naval epaulettes (PS, it took me ALOT of tries to get that word spelled correctly).

On the jungle side of things, I ordered this poster goodness from the infinitely talented Debbie Carlos...

Giraffes Poster

And lastly, an antique brass curtain rod went up...

and solid green curtains that look like these...

Pinned Image

are being hemmed as we speak...they'll be up in a few days.

You'll get to see the finished revamp on the 15th...on {whispers} TV.


