The Shoot...Thank Yous in Instagram

My big shoot was yesterday...hence my complete lack of blogging for the last few days.

Sorry about the disappearing act...I just had buckets to do before the cameras arrived so that my house looked just the way I wanted it to.

Mostly, I was running around picking some pretty things up from my new favourite people ever and hanging things from my favourite artists ever.

So now I want to say a giant thank you to them.

First the goods dealers:

The dog on a pedestal, Staffordshire dogs, gilt mirror, and candlesticks were all found here.

As was Malcolm's bed...

And in the hallway, this amazing candlestick, gold torch light (hiding behind my leopard coat), and spooky lady portrait are also from TC...

If you live in the GTA or even if you don't, you NEED to visit this antique store...there's an incredible selection of amazingly beautiful things and the owner Jed is so willing to help pick and choose...he's a total sweetheart and knows everything about everything so yup...very much one of my favourites.

2. Petits et Jolis {online store is coming very soon}

I've purchased a ton from here over the years...see the little lady statue...

umbrella stand...

and in Mac's room...the bench, deer painting and ship photos...

all from here.

I've known the owner Tamara for years now and she's managed to create a store that is utterly packed with amazingly pretty French antiques.  She's also an insanely talented painter and create just about anything you imagine.  This shop is where I always go when I'm looking for some ornate/funky pretty.

If you've seen this picture....

you've probably noticed that vintage Murano chandelier ...I actually own two of them.
The story on those goes...I walked into the store, saw one ginormous pink Murano beauty, put on a sad face because I needed two that were smaller in scale, to which the owner promptly said, 'I can make you two.' And then I danced all over the store and excitedly sent Meredith a shot of it in hopes she would love as much as I did...and well, the rest is history as they say.

Sam literally has like 7 wharehouses of chandelier bits and pieces...he can put anything together you can think has within his VERY crowded shop, every kind of chandelier imaginable- from every era.
I think I have 4 in my house at present...quite sure the list will continue to grow.

Malcolm's chandelier was also found at Sams...

as was my hallway Venini...

And then there are the artists:

1. Kim Davies

I'm obsessed with her.

She sent me all three of these...

That's hers in the middle...alongside a vintage Holt's illustration and a photo by the very fabulous Leigh Viner (who you already know I adore madly)...

This fabulously talented artist contacted me after my Saatchi post and a few weeks later, I had this INCREDIBLE  lady in a pink hat in my home...I could not possible adore it more.

3. Esther Bayer

I mentioned this lady a few days beautiful piece of this PEI artist now sits proudly in my hallway...

Love, love, love her.

And finally, there are the people who made things happen:

1. Kathy Hogg

This wonder woman is actually the Secretary at my daughter's school.
In a week and a half, she (along with her partner) completed the green curtains in Malcolm's room...

 and added the amazing pink silk pleated bottoms (thanks to Meredith for the idea) to my living room panels...

I'm honestly completely in awe her...the hems on those panels are done by hand...there was 12 yards of silk...and she did this in like 9 so thankful!!!
If you are EVER in need of an amazing seamstress, and live close by, I will happily pass on her info!

I've mentioned my new painting guru a few times now.
He can transform anything.
And thankfully, he was able to re-do my IKEA console...

and Mac's dresser...

just in time.

Love him to the moon.

I've purchased a few cushions from here over the years and for Mac's room, the fabulous Misty was able to whip these up lickity split...

I was so happy when I found out I had won a pair of Kelly Wearstler Agate pillows from one of Amber's giveaways...they arrived!!!


I am BEYOND grateful to all of these people...I truly love where I live and it's because my home is filled with treasures that I adore...from people I adore.

Thank you, thank you from the absolute bottom of my heart.

And of course, I have to also thank my hubs and kids...they helped in giant ways as well.

Dear man sent these yesterday to congratulate me...

He's a pretty good egg.

I can't wait to share the full reveal with you...only a few weeks- promise.

Thank you to you too of course...I wouldn't be doing any of this without you my sweet like candy readers.


