Art Stuff

Well hello.

I trust you all had a fabulous weekend.

Mine was good.

For one, I spoke with my antique guy about doing a little trade of sorts...he's coming to my place this week to purge me of the antiques I just don't have the space for.

In return, I'll be able to pick a few things up from his shop that I've been eyeing.

One of them is a spooky man portrait...I. can. not. wait...he's awesome....all black and moody with a giant gold frame....yummilicious.

Cross your fingers for me that I have stuff my antique friend actually wants to buy please.

Otherwise, mood man will have to wait...and that would make me...

Pinned Image

And you know what else would make me cry?

Finding out where this painting comes from and having some art fairy magically deliver it to my house...


...such an instance would cause immediate tears of joy I tell you.

I die over the painting.

Quirky and pretty...SO my thang.

And do you know what else floats my boat?

First there's this amazing print...

that was just sent to me from the ridonkulously talented Nancy Marcus.

Isn't she gorge?  

I haven't yet settled on the perfect home for her but had to show you a little peek.

Stay tuned...I'm thinking she might like a spot in the room that needs the most work in my house...aka...the master.

Perhaps fabulous phone lady is just the jumping off point I've been needing;)

And then there's this incredible package that literally arrived just this morning from the divine Kim Davies...

...a trifecta of art nude heaven.

Again, I'm still debating the absolute perfect spot for these present, my first thought is my newly blackened bathroom.

Such a plan would require loss of one towel rack but whose kidding who...I'd SO much rather have this gorgeousness on the walls than yet another silver bar...husband will likely disagree since his brain always registers the practical the before pretty...which only means I'll have to get rid of said bar whilst he is at work;)

Just look how glamarrific they look against the black...


Doesn't fabulous art just make you giddy?

Nothing like it my friends...not in this girl's book anyways.

