Good Monday morning peeps.
I had a cray-cray weekend...lots of good fun but I'm sort of oldish, and 3 days of fun in a row means an equal number of recovery days.
So....the party recap will have to wait and for now, I'm going to shower you with pretty portfolio pictures.
I might not even write anything...though I know (thanks Blog Podium;) that not presenting your point of view is bad blogging, I'm just not sure I have the energy to really think clearly today...And besides, I do sometimes think that pictures speak for themselves...and thanks to Commune Design, I can use that excuse to inch my way out of thinking this morning.
So let's get to it.
I'm sure you've all seen this facade...

...which PS, will be the colour scheme of my yellow house once my bank account recovers from #pkg...which might be never but one can dream;)
Anyhoo...I know most of you have seen it...along with this one...

...the stair side of it that is...I've never seen the shot of those farking fantastic dining chairs.
Well it turns out that both these shots come from inside the same house and thanks to Commune, there's also this 'good as good gets' pretty...

...which PS, makes my knees buckle...if ever I longed for a giant leather chesterfield, it's now...thanks to this. I'm also digging the slightly gimmicky movie light- totes works in here... partially because it's beside a pretty leaning mirror, which as a rule, acts like super hero in any room...I'm of the belief that a large mirror (preferably ornate) instantly rescues any space/makes it waaaaaaay more resistant to evil ugliness...I think the same thing about gorgeous antique carpets...want one...or 5.
Here's the dining room...

It's a little moody glam to float my personal boat but I certainly wouldn't throw it out of bed for crackers.
I'd also happily shack up with most of the homes/rooms in Commune's say this beauty... feels like the man/bearded version of the pretty girl chesterfield room above...all moody and dark...handsome.
Same with this one... walls and yellow office chairs...perhaps a little buzzy as a colour combo but most definitely arresting in its entirety.
And on the flip side of the coin...i.e. back to the girly end of the favourite feminine pink/ornate/maximalist side....the Juicy Couture showrooms...

I will tell you that my brain is hurting from thoughts of the things I'd love to do to my house, thanks to the inspiration above...starting with an Aubusson/Persian in every room...and a giant hunting painting that's framed in gold for my yet to exist know the's coming as soon as I know...get a job or something.
I'm also thinking that lacquered pink something must probably find a place in my abode...perhaps in the master closet...hum....I wouldn't mind a dash of the plaid wall to wall carpet either...SJ's room? Along with the Perroquet paper...are you reading this Meredith? seems as though I can't simply give you pretty pictures...apparently my brain is just too damn tangenty (god I love made up words...see...another tangent) to every let that idea slide.
As always, I digress;)
You can see more of Commune's pretty HERE.