Giveaway - Michelle Jacobson

Good morning party people.

First off, a giant thank you for all your amazingly sweet comments/tweets/FB notes yesterday...I have the best readers/friends in the world...your support means the absolute world to me...truly.

To thank you for being you, I've got another art giveaway to share.

And the best news...there will be 2 pieces given away and 2 winner!


First off, let me introduce you to the artist.

Welcome to the delightfully pretty world of Michelle Jacobson...

Hommage a Plumes Mixed Media Painting 16x20

Green Blues Abstract 1 Acrylic 20x24 Canvas Painting


I'm particularly obsessed with the gold line drawings and pinky abstracts.

And the good flipping fantastic news of the day is that I'm giving away just that.

Get a load of what's up for grabs...

First up, Bridgette...a metallic gold painting on 8.5 x 11 pale pink card stock.


And then we have Kate...

...a 12 x 12 lavendar, lilac, grey and gold acrylic painting on canvas.

Are you doing art giveaway back flips?

I hope so.

To win one of these lovely original art pieces:

1. Leave a comment below telling me which is your favourite...would you pick the glamorous Bridgette or the more edgy Kate?

For extra entries: And pretty please with a cherry on top leave a separate comment for each that you complete...otherwise I can't count the extra ones...

1. Make Michelle Jacobson and Etsy favourite
2. Go to Michelle's Shop and tell me which of her pieces is your favourite
3. Stalk me on Currently Obsessed
4. Become a NEW follower of B&B
5. Tweet the giveaway
{Two fabulous original art works up for grabs on @bijouandboheme}

That gives you 6 chances to win:)

I'll draw for the winner on Sunday.

Good luck lovelies.

Oh and just a quite programming note...I'll be taking the day off tomorrow since you know...Style at Home will be here.

Holy crapsticks...still can't believe that one:)

Make sure you check back Thursday though...I'm be posting a link to my 5 minutes of TV fame, along with the Project Paint the Bathroom Black after photos.

And with that, I'm off to finish styling up my mainfloor to within an inch of it's life.

Love you.

