Projects and News

I've got a few rather large/exciting/holy shit announcements for you today...and all of them are happening this week.

First off, I'm redoing my closet.

I know shattering.

I've started the job and have basically rid myself of ALOT of old clothes...6 garbage bags worth to be exact.

I'll be filling you in on more of the details in the next few weeks but for now, I'll give you this...

And I'll tell you that I didn't look nearly that glamorous in my ridiculously messy closet.

You'll be frightened when you see the before photos- like might even think less of me...totally possible.

Anyhoo...the clean-out has already happened and now it's on to the re-do fun.

Stay tuned.

Along with Project Closet Overhaul, chez Bijou is also getting a bathroom makeover.

And since...

the walls will be painted as such.

And guess what, it's happening today.

In a perfect world, I'd be wallpapering this room and I still might down the road but for now, it needs a quick fix and black is it.

You might be wondering why I'm in such a hurry to have a bathroom now.

Or maybe you totally don't care.

In any event, the answer is kind of fabulous.

You see in just two short days, my house will be filled with people from....

That's right....


Hell to the yes.


I think this news will make you happy dancers as well because it means pictures of completed Project Kitchen Gorgeous are coming!!!


And to complete this little collection of project/news goodness...yours truly is making her TV debut on Thursday.

Eek...holy crap...please god don't let me have 8 chins and visible belly rolls.


I'm beyond...and I mean beyond excited/honoured/thrilled to be sharing parts of my home on...

High fives/back-flips/jazz dances.

The show airs at 2pm EST here in Canada on CBC and the great news, is that it also airs in the US...along with 80 or so other countries...this is because Steven & Chris are insanely adorable/talented/fabulous.

For my international friends, if you want to see moi/my house on the boob tube, check your local listings.

You can all also catch the show on their website HERE.

So there  you have it...buckets of fun for a Monday.

Now...I'm off to paint my little heart out.

Happy, happy love bunnies.

