These Were a Few of My Favourite Things

I'm home for a quick bleep before round 4 of my weekend fantastic continues.

So far, I've been to:

1. A Business of Design party, hosted by the fabulously talented Kimberley Seldon...PS, she's speaks my language...also...if you're in the design industry, this website/resource is a must!

2. The Interior Design Show opening night gala....PS, way too many pretty gay men in one place to focus on much else.

3. Blog Podium...PS, learned so much and can't wait for the next one...apparently the next panel will discuss blog monitization...ears perked...god knows I'd love to figure out a way to really make this venture PAY....hard!

And's the Canadian Design Bloggers meetup...PS, that's party, party fun time...the ladies and I are even getting a limozeeeene...only because Toronto taxis are a total rip off and it would cost us more to pile our bums into a stinky cab as it would to get a stretch 7's hard to believe but the return taxi ride would literally be at least $50 bones more than the limo...ridiculous.'s going to be tres tres fun.

I'll post photos of the whole weekend soon but in the meantime, here's a little snapshot of the standouts for me at the design show...these pretties all most definitely caught my eye.

Gold bowls from Elte...the perfect warm hue...would be perfect on top of a small stack of books on a coffee table or on a hallway console as a key/change depot...getting one.

These rugs from Elte are actually made from Saris that are all sewn together with silk...I DIE a thousand glorious deaths.  Remember my earlier thought about monitizing...let's just say employment really must happen just so I can farking buy one of these rugs....I need really...tell me I don't...rug gods...are you hearing this?

These Japanese  paper pretty and feminine...they can be purchased at Open Studio in Toronto...a fabulous source for original Canadian art...on my list of places to visit verrrrry soon.

Um...this is wallpaper people...are you still breathing? I passed out when I walked up to the 
Mushaboom Design booth (will be posting more about them this week).
Each pattern is hand drawn, painted and then transferred into a digital file that can be adapted to any palette.
All I can say is that my mind is reeling with thoughts of that left pattern in a paler pink, mint, pastely combo...can you see it? I CAN!!!!

Rug Company nirvana.  
How fabulous would these be in a teenager's room? My big girl would volunteer babysitting services for months for one...and that's saying alot folks;)
She's probably have to child mind for the next 20 years to pay for one but details people.

I snapped this one without noting where it was from...slap my hands...I'm blaming the fog created after seeing a large architectural pink velvet chair...I can't be held accountable for such things...only natural.
In any event, it's a reeeeeal good chair...if you're into minimal/every piece must be sculptural and arresting...this piece is most definitely for you.

Kate Thornley-Hall carpet pretty...I'm sad that I didn't get a shot of her newest venture...large scale people...think giant crowns and huge scale damasks in baby pink...glorious.

And with that, I'll say ta ta for now.

I've got a mall to hit...need a little skirt action for tonight's festivities.

Oh and before I forget, make sure you link over to my latest Milk and Cookies pillow giveaway if you haven't already entered...the draw is tomorrow!
And I've got another treat in that regard...Misty, the very talented owner of M&C, has offered up 15% off anything in her shop (this weekend only)...use promotion code IDS12 at checkout.

Later lovers,

