Designer Spotlight - Lauren Flax

I'm pretty excited to be featuring a very talented designer who hails from my city...giant high fives are in order for Ms. Lauren Flax...beyond talented I tell you...and as proof of this, I give you photos of her latest project...a redo on her own Toronto loft.

I love how Lauren embraces her environment, when she can tell she considers her surroundings when coming up with a concept...and of course, any girl who loves busts, gold and fur, is totes awesome in my books...I also adore how she uses clothing/fashion in her styling...tres pretty.

Lauren was kind enough to write me and give me a little more info on this project...have I mentioned that she's my new favourite?

Well she is.

In her words...


"I live in the Trinity Bellwoods Park area, directly opposite the park; in a loft building. I've lived in the space for about four months now, and it’s just about the closest neighborhood to New York I could find in Toronto. I very recently moved back to Toronto and I'm missing New York a ton! For this space, I wanted to start from scratch in terms of the furniture. My New York apartment was an elegant Beaux Arts building in the Upper East Side which was very classic in terms of the furnishings and decoration, but they did not belong in a modern Toronto loft at all.
When I design spaces, I always like to have a concept that drives the aesthetic. For the loft apartment; the idea was 'Refined Urban Cabin'. The space has clean lines and a fresh look, mixed in with unexpected finds. I did a lot of vintage furniture shopping. My favorite piece is the sculptural Art Deco desk that I found at the St. Lawrence Market. The lines on it are so unique, I've never seen anything quite like it! The wreath-like piece that over hangs my desk is another great find. I have a soft spot for anything unconventionally beautiful, I picked this up at Chatelet on Queen West. 

I combined rustic vintage pieces together with minimalist, modern pieces, like the Eames chair (from Design within Reach) and the refined sofa that I bought at Elte. As a designer, I often have to get crafty and I decided that buying art at this time was not an option, so the art you see over the sofa was painted by me. DYI art projects seem to be the way to go these days, I cannot afford original Damien Hirsts...yet :) 
Some more information about me: I am a born and raised Torontonian. I’m an interior designer and blogger, and I live with my incredibly spoiled dachshund, Hudson."


I love getting the scoop first helps paint a picture of a designer's inspiration and process.

After reading up on Lauren a little more, I also discovered her stunning portfolio, which you can view HERE...gorgeous.

Oh and one more tinsy little thing that I feel I must share about know this shot that's being pinned like crazy as of late...

...well it turns out that Ms. Lauren styled it, alongside...wait for it...Ryan freaking Korban...yup...ah-mazing.

Here's the rest of the apartment, just in case you haven't already soaked up all its goodness.

Again...heaps of fur...pretty feminine detailing...lux gold...hits of pink...mirrors everywhere... incredible lighting...busts a plenty...and brass cougars/jaguars this time...LOVE her.

You can follow along with Lauren on her scrumptious blog Splendid Objects.

You're very welcome for the introduction;)

And before I go...a reminder...don't forget that my 'Store Around the Corner' art giveaway ends tonight so enter away...I'll be back later this evening with the draw.

