Friday Fancies - Spring Fling

Well it's dark and gloomy here at the moment but fairly warm and what's more, since Mr. Groundhog did not see his shadow yesterday, apparently a short winter is ours for the taking...praise the lord.

So, in honour of the sunshine and warmth glory that's seemingly just around the corner, I give you a little spring/flower/colour/fling pretty...

...and my ensemble version...

I think I might have to own that pink Paul and Joe floral skirt (though apparently not...just noticed that it's sold out) and god knows, I'd sell my soul for a PS1.
Apparently a denim shirt is also on my want list since I've used one two fancies in a row and as always, I'd happily take some new Kate Spade earrings...or a Mallarino ring...or a  fabulous Triwa watch.
The Toast green ballet shoes, though adorable, would probably slip off my feet...damn high those will have to stay as pretty inspiration for this cat.

So there you have ode to spring, even though it's still winter.

You can have a look at the bevie of other spring fling fancy pretty HERE.

Happy 'thank farking god it's Friday because this has been the longest week eh-vah' ;)

