Guest Post - Sadie & Stella

Happy 1st day of February all.

I can't believe we're half way through winter already...has been such an easy one in these parts so far...I  probably  just jinxed it by saying so but wowzers...good old global warming does have it perks- ha!

I'm happy to be starting the month of with a little guest post over at the most delightful...

sadie + stella

...and the topic of the little posty living room.

Now, because I  hope this room is going to grace the pages of a publication soon, the shots I delivered are mostly of the close-up/vignette is those that really make a room feel alive anyhow...the special moments that make a space yours. can see more of my 'arrangements' by clicking HERE.

Of course, a bevie of gorgeous fills up all the pages over at Sadie & Stella.

If I was you and I had a few minutes/hours to spare, I'd most certainly stay for a gander.

You'll see all kinds of ballsy's some I curated up, while browsing through S&S...and PS, I finally invested in a little Publisher action yesterday so hooray...I can do pretty boards again!! have no idea how happy the idea of never using Google Documents again, is making yours truly...thanks Christ is all I have to say.

And one more thing...I'm hoping to make it around to say hi today...I've been kind of knocked out with this weird headache/vertigo/nausea flu bug so pray god, I get back to normal soon and can actually stand reading words on a computer...miss you all.

Kisses and bear hugs,

