Pink Week, a Guest Post and a Happy Birthday

Well it's the day before Valentine's Day and in honour of all that's romantic and pink, I've decided to dedicate this whole week to my favourite hue.

For today, I'm sending you over to the home of one of my bestie's...the utterly fabulous Tim of Design Maze.

I'm visiting his delightfully chic blog with a little splattering of Valentine's inspiration, which looks a little like this... see the rest of what I've put together, click HERE.

And you know what I'm going to say MUST stick around and love up all the goodness over at DM...most especially, there's adorable Tim himself...

I mean really- could he be any more fabulous?

And then there's his apartment...hello heaven...


And with that, I'll leave you for's my hubster's b-day so I want to take a minute to say a giant I love you to him...couldn't imagine my life without his sweet face in it...


