Some Prettiness

I'm going to break the cardinal rule of good blogging and just post some random pretty pictures...with a few notes because I just can't help myself;)

Truth be told, I'm not inspired to do much else at the moment.

My Nana has taken a bit of a turn for the worse and at present, I'm stuck here because I can't seem to get rid of this ridiculous headache that I've now had for 3's beyond frustrating.

Whatever the case, I'm likely flying out to PEI in the next few days and thanks to some gems blogging friends, will have have lots of fabulous up here while I'm away...PS, blogger buddies are the damn supportive...can't possibly put into words how much I appreciate it.

So for now, here's the collection of room greatness...all of these have definitely caught my eye or inspired some thoughts/ideas as of late...

vintage chandy, rug

{vintage chandy and Beni bliss}

raul martins

{masculine but still pretty...a hard balance and this does it perfectly in my humble opinion}

lacquer walls, velvet chairs, gold table

{don't think I need to say much about this, white fur, velvet, black walls...glamorous as all get up}

New York Apartment, design by Miles Redd | photo: James Merrell | antique Coromandel screen behind bed, painted faux-horn bedposts support a canopy made from Zimmer + Rohde Holbrook cream silk satin


yes please.  #light, swan, dining, sheepskin

{animalia greatness...want that swan}


{mirrors with crystal sconces = heaven}

books, art

{art in the bathroom- check}

one large piece flanked by smaller symmetrical pieces on each side

{not so chuffed on the sofa or green pillows but the rest of it is fantabulous}

black and white

{tub with a real curtain treatment = want...adore classic black and white in the bathroom}

raul martins

{pillow fabric is heaven...also love all the masculine glamour going on...this room feels like it belongs to the same house that great boy fabulous bathroom does}

I think I am over glass mosaic til I see a great installation. So gorgeous! mirros

{over the top perhaps but I'd give up an arm for that chandy and/or mirror}

design by Barrie Benson

{Barrie Benson is my hero and I want those dogs}

wall to wall curtain panels, large lamps, ikat

{I need those lamps...the wall to wall curtain panels are also quite delish...and as always, ikat is great}

Hamish Bowles, leopard rug, floral shade, chair fabric ...adore!!!

{I need to know what the fabric is on that chair and on the valance...and I need wall to wall leopard in some yesterday}

bedroom - jackie astier

{everything here should be mine...this bedroom has my name ALL over it...want, want, all...minus the ceiling fixture...way to small}

KW fabric on chair, colour

{KW edo linen has to make an appearance somewhere in my house...adore the ugly prettiness of it}

fika plats bakom soffan... fint! Feminine eclectic.

{I am and always will be a total sucker for feminine pretty}

Judy's home, LOVE!
{all via}

{I've never seen a room so close to my idea of perfection...I ADORE this...I'd copy every inch of it if I could and please gods let me find a giant brass deer/gazelle like animal...I NEED one...also, I really want to rip out my fireplace so I can replace it with a marble one with a glass screen just like above...soooooo never going to happen but a girl can sure dream}

And with that, I'm off to drown some sorrows in some streamed episodes of Shark Tank...don't ask...I have no idea why but I'm totally addicted to it at the moment...good times.

Oh and don't forget to enter my latest giveaway...these GORGE earrings are up for grabs...

Hugs and smooches,

