It's day two of the guest post train here on B&B and I'm thrilled to introduce a simply GORGEOUS...

For those of you who might not already know and love the fabulous Habibi...and it's curator're missing a ginormous way.
Firstly, it's absolutely one of my favourites to look at it...the pink, gold and black layout makes my knees weak and admittedly, a little jealous- it's aesthetically beautiful.
And what's more, Habibi is packed with so much and design inspiration galore.
Nuha's Style in 7 will give you a stunning glimpse of her gorgeous take on all things pretty...picture board bliss I tell you.
Hello B&B readers, Nuha from "Habibi" here. I'm thrilled to be sharing my Style in 7 with you! Christine's blog is by far one of my favorites and she is definitely a girl after my own heart. Many of times I'll be thinking of something and check her blog to see that she is thinking the same thing - it's weird, but definitely exciting to know that I'm on the right style track ;-) Oh, and I absolutely cannot wait to see the big reveal of her home in Style at Home!
After a bit of thought, it was suddenly hard to narrow down my favorite things to only 7, but I tried my best to give you a brief glimpse into my mind. Let me start out by saying that gold has been my favorite color ever since I can remember. I’m a bit embarrassed to add this to my list because it feels like every other blogger/ girl out there is currently obsessing over gold. I promise I’m not hopping on the bandwagon! So because of that, I nixed the gold, and went with a few other things that make my heart pitter patter. Enjoy!
1.) X-Chromosome: Let me start out by saying that I am over-flowing with the x-chromosome. I am unabashedly obsessed with all things girly, flirty, and pastel. The number of dresses and skirts I have probably outnumbers my pants by 3:1, and romance movies make me weak in the knees. You know the girl who loves to bake, get dressed-up, and sew things? That is me. Nice to meet you.

2.) Classic: I’m an old soul at heart and anything vintage/classic/ antique is right up my alley. While trends are fun now, I’d rather not look back at a picture of myself ( or my home) and think “What was I thinking?!” That’s why I tend to lean towards classic pieces in both my wardrobe and home, I know that I'll love them now and forever. Oh, and buying and renovating an old mid-century home is high up on my bucket list. Baby steps, Baby steps.
3.) Fashion: To me art is so fun because each person portrays it differently. Which leads me to my main point- fashion is the most powerful form of art. In what other way can you portray your emotions to the world without uttering a single word? And equally as important, I’m a firm believer that if you look good, you feel good.
4.) Flowers: This should come as no surprise after my excess x-chromosome confession above. Nothing makes me more weak in the knees than a bouquet of flowers- or better yet, a whole garden of them. I simply cannot wait for the spring to roll around so that I can get started on our garden. I’m thinking to cover the backyard within an inch of it’s life with hydrangeas, peonies, and herbs. It’ll be grand!
5.) Books: Wherever shall I begin?! Books are my fool proof way to relax. And even better is sitting in a whole room devoted to them. Don’t get me started on the smell of old books- so relaxing!
6.) Glamorous: Maybe it’s because I’m from the Middle East and we're used to going all out but I simply adore all things glamorous. Dressing up and being a girl is basically my idea of a fun time. Lipstick, baubles, hair & make-up- tell me these things don't excite you! Trust me, you will never regret buying a one of a kind piece that screams love me- or looking like a million bucks.
6.) Glamorous: Maybe it’s because I’m from the Middle East and we're used to going all out but I simply adore all things glamorous. Dressing up and being a girl is basically my idea of a fun time. Lipstick, baubles, hair & make-up- tell me these things don't excite you! Trust me, you will never regret buying a one of a kind piece that screams love me- or looking like a million bucks.
7.) Quirky: Life is wayyy too short to take yourself seriously- that’s why God invented awkwardness. No one is perfect and the best way to deal with that is to embrace your quirkiness. I love adding a little bit of something unexpected to my house as well as wardrobe.
A big thanks to sweet Christine for having me take part in her series!
xo N
And PS, any girl who loves glamour, flowers and my kindred spirit!