Week of Pink- Guest Posts...My Nightstand and My Top 10...and V Day

Good morning everyone.

I want to start the day by saying a giant thank you...reading all of your comments yesterday was a bright spot in an otherwise pretty crap day. 

I didn't end up hearing any news on my Nana...today I hope.

I'm also dealing with this ridiculous flu...on week three and still not at all better...over it in the largest way.

Anyhoo...to brighten things up, I'm continuing with...

...and directing you to a couple of guest posts that are up today.

The first one is over at the divine...

veranda interiors

...you all know I'm a HUGE fan of Melissa's stunning self and I'm tickled to be taking part in her 'In Ten' series...to see some my list of topsies...

...click HERE...PS, I picked the pink ones to show you here, for obvious reasons...my 10 isn't entirely pink...though there is a lot;)

Of course, Veranda Interiors is packed the brim with goodness of its own, so make sure you stick around and browse through all the yumminess...Melissa's design boards in particular...hours of inspiration!!

Moving on...I'm also delighted to be here today...

Emily A. Clark

...while taking part in Emily's 'Send Me a Picture' series.

The topic this week...nightstands.

I VERY rarely post photos of my bedroom, since it's usually in a state of total disarray but I managed to clean things up so I could snap a few...

Click HERE to see a wider angle look...and PS, all of the nightstands collected are amazing...I want to trade mine for all of them!  And PSS, I realize this isn't totally pink but there's a little in there...quite sure I couldn't have any space in my house without at least of touch of rose.

And of course, I know you all already are great appreciaters of all that Emily A. Clark has to offer...totally one of my all time fave blogs.

Now since it's pink week and I haven't given you much of it today so far, I thought I'd show you my Instagram V Day shots...they're definitely all about the rose:)

Despite feeling like I had/have the plague, I went the handmade route on the kid's cards this year...just really wanted to spend a Sunday doing fun stuff with them...sitting down that of course;)

So...2 hours and 100 cards later, we had them all done...and then I had a drink.

My daughter painted in the hearts, I wrote all the words and little guy did the pink/red abstracts.

The final step was adding the chocolates...but apparently they went against the School A's 'no outside food' policy and got ripped off anyways...Hubster wrote everyone's names on them for this batch {School A}...another set went to School B, where they had to remain blank.  PS, my daughter goes to two different schools on alternate days....PSS, that means there's lots of kids, lots of newsletters, lots of fundraisers, lots of teachers, lots of snowsuits, lots of sneakers, lots of having to keep things organized...PSSS, for the reasons just noted, I often feel like I need an assistant just to keep kindergarten in check...ha!

Flowers for teacher at School B...PS, between both schools, daughter has 6 teachers...School A has 5 so they got a dividable bouquet...School B teacher got to keep the one above all to her self:)

A perfect Valentine's gift from husband...he knows me too well...I've been wanting this pink and red pretty for a while now:)

Though I adore my new book, and have already eaten up all the chocolates that came with, this card was my favourite of Valentine's treats...for those of you with kids, don't homemade cards make you weep with joy?

I shed a tear or 10 over that little number.

And even a few hundred more after staring at this for a few minutes...

...the two littles of course...the big one had already left for school...not wearing pink;)

I love that I have documentation of little daughter's ensemble...she insisted on having both pink {my favourite colour- duh} and red {her favourite colour- duh} represented, so layered two dresses on top of each other...totally her idea and I ADORE her for it...

Blessed I am.

Happy day to everyone...and thank you again for all the support- you so do a girl's heart good.

