Week of Pink - Inspired By...

Very sorry for the late post.

I've had one of those mornings.

It started off with a 3 hour wait at the doctor's office walk in clinic...only to find no apparent explanation for my feeling like total and utter shit for the last 3 weeks- love that...not.

On the flip side...the extremely awesome flip side that is...I finally heard some news about my Nana.

It turns out she does infact have cancer....for PS, the 3rd time...but thankfully, it is very limited to one spot and hasn't spread beyond the tissue...so...it's completely treatable...amazing news.... I'm ecstatic, thrilled, filled with joy about this...words can't express.

In celebration, I'm going to kick it awesome photography styles with a little portfolio fabulous...of course, all that's coming will definitely be in keeping with...

Welcome to the sprarkly pink infused world of Aaron Ruell...

Can you just imagine pink sparkly walls?

I sure can.

And do you  know what else I can envision?

Using these beauties...

...to inspire a little project I'm working on.


A friend of mine asked me to help with putting the finishing details on her home.

At present, she has a lot of rooms...all painted brown.

She also has dark wood floors and plenty of leather/wood furniture.

So...long story short, she needs some colour.

After seeing the above, I knew one of the rooms just had to have some pinky violet/ pale blue thrown in.

So...here's the living room planski...

Mirror for above fireplace...vintage panels for either side of said fireplace...bottom left fabric for curtain panels, zebra rug on the floor, cushions in geometric pale blue/gold and KW bengal bazaare, Ziri chandy for ceiling.

Purty and will totes break up the brown/still play nicely with it.

I've got the whole house to sort out so more plans are a comin.

For now...happy Thursday peeps.

I'm off to clean my house...parents are rolling in for a short visit before heading to PEI, so I've got to throw some neatness together;)


