A Paper, An Outfit and Some Posts

Welcome to Friday...can I hear a hallelujah?

So happy the weekend is almost upon us...especially because for the first time in 6 years, hubster and I are heading out of town sans kids...yuppers...one night in a away, with no ankle bitters...bliss.

So, in honour of the occasion, I've put together a little dinner/evening out pretty...inspired by this wallpaper I spotted over at Bailey's yesterday...

...which PS, I'd give up a limb to be able to afford....EXACTLY what I want for my little red's room...too bad it would set me back more than my first car.

So for now, since I can't have the paper, here's a little dream ensemble...which PS, I can't have either...pissballs...

Room wallpapered in DG flowers or outfit with DG flowers?

Both too rich for this girl's blood but preeeeeety nonetheless....to see other fancy fancies for this week, click HERE.

In other non DG but still floral news...I've got a few links to share.

First...I'm hot diggity delighted to be contributing to a fabulous online magazine called...

Aggregate Logo 

...I'll be sharing my 2 cents on design every now and then and to begin, I put together a little diddy on what's hot toddy for Spring.

It looks a little like this {and yes, florals/plants are part of the mix}...

You can read my blub HERE.

And finally, I was over here yesterday...

cornflake dreams.

...with my 3 Spring wish list items, which you can see by clicking HERE.

Happily, one is actually coming home with me....

vintage 1960's Large Hollywood Regency SWAN Vase / Planter 

...hello vintage Regency swan planter/vase...welcome to my life;)

And with all that floral news, I must be off.

I have a suitcase to pack and kid management notes to make.

Later love beans,

