Announcement, a Mini- Giveaway and Some Rugs

Good morning party people.

I've got a little personal excitement to share...which...if truth be kind of scaring me to death.

It seems as though yours truly will be taking part in the...


Yuppers...I'll be holding a seminar on the main stage...head set and all...on April the 1st and 1pm.

About what pray tell?

Well...I'm basically going to run around the show a few days before and snap photos of all the decor stuff I like...make my own little OOAK collection if you will...then, I'm going to bring in some furniture pieces on the day of the show, get the actual goods, and style the crap out of them....all the while praying to the gods that  it somehow all comes together on stage.

Yes...I'll be curating the One of a Kind....and attempting to show you how to do the same.

I kind of want you all to come...but then I also am hoping there's only one lonely deaf/blind person in the audience.

My teenager is threatening to make 'Team Christine' t-shirts...and she's the kind of kid who would actually make such things happen.


Anyhoo...I actually would really love you all to visit the show...and not just to see me embarrass the crap out of myself.

It's a fabulous event.

So many amazing vendors, artisans etc...beuno shopping to be had- I never leave without at least a few delish purchases.

As an extra bit of incentive, I'm just delighted to be offering up 3 pairs of tickets for freezies...that's right...6 tickets are up for, if you want to save yourself the $14 bones for a ticket ($12 online)....

Simply leave a comment below.

It's THAT easy:)

If you'd like an extra few entries:

1. Tweet the giveaway and use the following...
{enter to win tickets to the #OOAKS12 @ooak_toronto from @bijouandboheme}
2. Follow the OOAKS on twitter

So there you go...3 chances to win.

I'll draw for the lucky duck on Sunday;)

Now in other news...

I spent the day yesterday with the fabulous Vanessa, perusing the warehouse of my new rug guy...PS, I love that I now have a rug guy...have been courting a few for a while and this chap is the winner...he's sweet as pumpkin pie, seems to want to always give me the rugs for waaaaaay cheaper than he should, and has a vast collection of pretty...yup...#winner

I found him at the antique market last Sunday and picked up this beaut for my foyer...

And thankfully, he gave me the top secret address of his actual store...where I found more gorgeous than one can really handle.

Some of my favourites:

 1. This incredible Afghan war blanket...

...tanks and guns in pink...just my kind of quirky pretty;)

2. This number that Vanessa scored HUGE with...
...and whispers...she's thinking it might not be working in her space after all and if not, I'm scooping that fabulous up faster than you can say donuts.

3. This antique Chinese plush pink pretty...
I was VERY close to taking this large one home to try it out under my kitchen table but...I think it's a little too pretty and a little too plush...gorge though.

4. A gorgeous floral Persian....

As you can see, I took that shit home but... much as I LOVE it, the darn thing is too small:(

Me. So. Sad.

I have been trying to find a place for it somewhere in my house to absolutely no avail.

Me. So. Sad x 10. win some you loose some.

The good news again is that I have a rug guy!!!!!!

Happy days.

Now don't forget to enter the giveaway....and if you want your comment to be entered in the draw, make sure you say so...that way I can sort through which comments are entries and which are just regular ones...and sorry for the very long post...fingers got away from me;)

