Fashion to Room...Thanks to Alex of Things that Sparkle

Good day lovelies.

As you know, I'm in PEI at the moment so I'm very excited to be passing over the old blogski to literally, one of the most talented and amazesauce bloggers a girl could ever hope to know.

Alex, of Things that Sparkle fame...

Things That Sparkle

... is truly one of my absolute blogging besties and I'm so happy to have her visit...she was actually here way back when, as my very first Style in 7 case you missed that beauty of a post, click HERE and enjoy.

Alex is a gem among gems and an insanely talented one at that...her fashion to room post below...we'll you'll see...delish!

Anyone who knows Miss Christine knows about her love for blush and leopard (with a touch of gold), and I am right there with her.

I love this combination in fashion.

But I especially love it in interiors.

Room by Alexandra Berlin Design

*sources:  rug, sofapaint (Ballet Slipper by Martha Stewart), art (see the leopard in it?), lamps, side table, pillows, and coffee table.

Can't you just see the Dovey crew moving right in? And if they don't, I most definitely will.




Yes sweetness...I SO see my family moving right into that room...adore the pink walls, leopard rug, gold lamps, artwork...yup...ALL of it!!!!

Happy almost weekend everyone...I'll be back tomorrow with a little sponsor love and don't forget about the ginormous original Zoe Pawlak art giveaway happening as we speak...I'll be drawing for the winner bright and early Sunday.

