House Plans - Chassity or Look, Linger, Love

Goodmorning peoples.

I'm delighted to be introduce the fabulous Chassity, of Look, Linger, Love here today.

Look Linger Love

She has been one of my absolute best blogging friends from the start and I'm always so inspired by her gorgeous style and sweet southern charm.

As some of you might now, Chassity just up and sold her beautiful Charleston house and is about to dive into a full scale renovation/re-style of her newly purchased abode.

I'm thrilled to have her sharing her dreams for the new place here today.

As you'll see...she's got lofty ambitions that are sure to make her new home TO DIE FOR!!!!!


Hi Everyone!  Chassity here from Look Linger Love, and I'm honored to lend Christine a hand while she spends some time with her grandmother.

While thinking up a topic to share here today, my mind went to a big project preoccupying my mind lately.  My husband and I just started a large renovation on a new "old" home, so naturally my Pinterest Page has been seeing a lot of me.  And since I like to talk about it, I thought I'd share a few of the details I'm planning to see in our new home.

Brass. Duh.

{via 1st Dibs}

White Tile + Dark Grout:

Large Soaking Tub:

{via Veranda}

Black Windows:

{via Lonny}

Cathedral Ceilings:

{via Houzz}

Beautiful Hardwood Floors:

{Photography by Birgitta Wolfgang Drejer}

And Of Course, Wallpaper:

{via Apparatus}

If you'd like to follow along on our journey, come to Look, Linger, Love and visit me.  Thanks for having me, Christine. 



What did I tell you?

Heaven that house is going to be.

I must admit...I'm a little jealous of the whole start from scratch scenario.

Oh how I'd love tons of subway/dark grout, black windows and brass...and wallpaper...yup, all of it.

Pretty sure Chassity's house is going to end up being off the charts and am tickled she decided to share her plans with us today...a big giant mwah to her:)

