Saturday Shopping - Blog Shop Love

Morning party people.

It's Saturday...which means...word to your mother/let's get our shop on.

Today, I'd love to direct you to two fabulously fab blog storezies...

First up...

...the delightful shop belonging to Amanda, of {re}cycled consign and design fame.

As if we needed a reason to adore this stylish maven more, now she's gone and opened up an online version of her bricks and morter Utah store...and it's filled to the brim with pretty mcprettison.


I love the mix of baubles, fashion and decor...something for everyone.

And of course, what impresses me most is the stylish whimsy Amanda has so beautifully collected...those floral sconces MUST find a place in my house- Tulip's room I'm thinking- yum.

Any girl who loves pink, vintage and gold as much as I do is most definitely a friend of mine- so happy to have a shop filled to the brim with all of it.

Aces Amanda.

Next up, welcome to...

...the online shop belonging to know...the girl that just built everyone's princess dream castle...the same girl who writes the fabulously lush blog, The Enchanted Home.

Well...because she's got an eye for all that's elegant and gorgeously refined, her shop is packed with SO much decadence...

...the needlepoint pillows and Staffordshire dogs {she even has pink ones} are KILLING me.

Trust me when I say, The Enchanted Home is de-to-the-vine...absolutely packed with decor luxe decor goodness.

So there you go...two online shops to occupy your coffee in bed time this morning.

And while I have you, if you're going to be anywhere near the T. next weekend, make sure you enter to win a ticket to the One of a Kind Show...I'm giving away 6 so plenty of chances;)

I'll be back tomorrow to draw for the winners.

