Sponsor Welcome - Sarah Swanson Design

Good Monday morning everyone.

I trust you all had a fabulous weekend...mine was quite delightful indeed.

For one, I went rock skipping with the kidlets yesterday and let me tell you, that activity is soul goodness...have made a promise to them and me that we're going to head towards the lake and do that at least once a week...bliss.

And on top of that, I discovered early Saturday morning that I was mentioned in the Globe and Mail...i.e. Canada's national newspaper!!!

To have Margot Austin...aka the senior design editor of House and Home magazine say...and I quote..."she points to lifestyle bloggers with a design bent like Oakville's Christine Dovey of Bijou and Boheme...who have amazed international audiences and the respect of design professionals."...cue me dying a VERY happy death.

Let me tell you...being able to tell my parents I was mentioned in the Globe...well, that my friends was good...real, real good.

You can read more of the article's take 'Toronto Tastemakers' (congrats Emma, Jennifer, Chris and Jane;) HERE.

Now...on to the today's business.

I'm so thrilled to introduce you to B&B's newest sponsor...

I know so many of you already know and love Sarah's blog...

flourish design + style

...and are quickly falling in love with her new Etsy shop Gallery Wall...

graphic watercolor in pink

graphic watercolor in black

graphic watercolor in green

graphic watercolor in blue

graphic watercolor in gold

graphic watercolor in pink

irregular dots / graphic watercolor in grey

...which is PS, brilliant...to create a shop where every piece is 10 bucks...smart, smart, smart...these little beauties are the perfect accent to any gallery wall and to be honest, I'm a little bummed I didn't think of this idea first...so, so clever.

Well on top of all of this, Sarah is also a fabulously talented designer who is now offering up her styling, staging, organizing and design skills...and let me tell you, if you're in the market for such things, you need look no further...this lady is good....reeeeeeeeally good...

See what I mean...wowzers...that board with the yellow tables...LOVE!!!  

Yes...it seems like Ms. Sarah is a triple treat...blogger, artist and designer extraordinaire.

I'm entirely inspired by all of her endeavors and am tickled as a tulip to have her on board...you can see more of her design portfolio by clicking HERE or by finding her button on my right sidebar:)

And with that, I'll say later peaches for now and ask you to think positive thoughts today for my Nana...she's meeting with the oncologist this morning so...could use the good collective energy etc.


