A MoMA Menagerie

Good morning lovers.

I've got a little special sauce to share with you today, brought to you by the divine MoMA.

Turns out it's the 20th Anniversary of this...

...the Tibor Kalman sky umbrella.

Along with a group of chosen bloggers...PS, love being a chosen one;)...I was sent this gorgeous piece and asked to style it in any way I pleased...and let me just say, when the Museum of Modern Art asks you to take part in something....well...you say yes.

So after receiving my gorgeous and iconic umbrella, I put my thinking cap on and decided on a sunny skies series/animal statue series...totes a fun reflection of my take on style.

So...here's my contribution...I call it...A MoMa Menagerie;)

Sidenote...as you can see, I clearly need to cap my animal addiction;)

God I love them though...just look at those faces...I can't even pick my favourite...well yes I can...the pink cockatoo has my heart all tied up in a pretty bow.

I'm admittedly sort of in love with all of these shots...take some cute brass/ceramic animals, mix them with a fabulous arty background and top it all off with some Instagram lighting/border goodness and yup...you get some cute like candy pictures;)

And do you know what else I adore?

Beautiful art...which means...I love, love, love places that showcase beautiful work and support
 art/ design education...MoMA is at the very top of this list...should be high on yours too.

And since the MoMA store helps fund all of the museums efforts, you should shop there...there's tons of prettiness to buy...case in point, the gorge Sky Umbrella...because of it's special anniversary, you can have your very own and save 20% off today...use the code SKY20...you can also try your hand at styling it in your own way by entering the 'Celebrating 20 Years of Blue Skies' Facebook contest...


...my entry is already loaded up so join me friends!

From my menagerie, the museum and me...happy day my friends.

