Friday Fancies - Easter

Happy long weekend everyone.

 I for one and am ecstatic that I've got 3 days with another adult in the house...great times.

I'm also pretty cuffed that Easter is just around the of my favourites with the kidlets.

And in honour of this Spring time holiday, I put together a little floral/pastel hope you like;)

You can have a look at the rest of this week's fancies HERE.

Wishing you all a gorgeous holiday.

I'll be back on Sunday to draw for the winner of this divine gold clamshell, courtesy of 

...make sure you get your entry in HERE.

Oh and PS, though I know it's been everywhere in blogland already, I'm stealing this amazing idea from Fabulous K, and making these beauties this weekend...

Best. Easter Craft. Ever.

Later lovebunnies.
