Friday Fancies - Room to Frock

Morning party people.

I've got some news...lucky me gets has started designing mood boards for my amazeboat sponsor, 

Yup...yours truly is going to be putting together some pretty boards using all the gorgeousity from the shop.

The first one is up on BRD's new blog and it looks like this...

Called Salon Style Glamour, this one was put together in honour of the upcomming most important holiday in the world...Mother's Day.

Most of those pretty things (dog, mirror, table, clamshell, votive, settee, chair, pendant, lamp) can be purchased at the here to find all the links;)

Sidenote...I'm clearly obsessed with the Hick's vase in pink.

Now...for today's fancy, I decided to use this board and make a little design meets outfit salad...I'm calling it Room to Frock and it looks a little something like this...

Sidenote #2...I need the skirt and clutch...asap.

Also, you can see this week's other fancies here...lots of pastel goodness.

Happy Friday dancing.

