Project Exterior

I hinted at is the other day and now it's time to fill you in on a few little projects happening around these here parts.

After a few years focussing on prettying up the inside, it's now time to pay some attention to what's happening out of doors.

First the background info.

1. I had a real estate agent over the other day to give us an was good news...because we bought on the cheapest street in a very hoity toity neighbourhood, our house has appreciated alot in the 6 years since we've lived here...the new schamz kitchen and basic prettification hasn't hurt either...our home is proving to be a WAY better investment than our mutual funds ever were/have been/probably will when Ms. Real Estate told us a few areas that could boost value even more, even hubster agreed to entertain/start some of them...first on the list, my back may want to cover your eyes...

I hate it and it's rotten to the core...whoever said Cedar was the be all and end all of deck materials was smoking crack in my humble rots an turns this gross colour and splinters my kids up.

I also loathe the shape of the's huge and angley and weird.

What I despise most about though is this eye sore...again...shield your delicate eyes...

...hate isn't a strong enough word and before all of you ask, 'well don't you go in it?' we don't...I was in once and then I got pregnant...and then I was nursing...and then I was pregnant again...and then I woke up old and preferred hot baths to hot tubs...and by then it was a gross cesspool and the thought of going in it made me no...we don't use it...the thing HAS to's enormous, takes up half the deck and is the first thing you see when you open the living room doors to the backyard.

2. I don't love yellow and well, my covered in it....

I can't afford to change the siding, much as I'd love to so we're going to paint the fudger {and mom/dad before you roll your eyes and say it can't be done, I've had MANY professionals tell me it absolutely can and people do it all the time and it's not at all expensive...and by that, I mean I can totally afford it/still manage to send Tasha to uni/without winning the lottery/getting a real job/going into debt etc. etc...same comment applies for eveything you're reading and sighing about}.

Sidenote...wasn't too sure about showing the front of my house just in case there's a weird/crazy/scary person out there reading I used the paint-it effect on my computer to wash it out a bit and cropped it all get the idea.

3. My upstairs windows are uni-formally rotten. Come every spring we have to clean the mold off of the sills that is created when the cold air from outside mixes with the warm air inside...the California shutters in every room don't help the matter- air trappers they are...not a fan.  In any case, the 2nd floor ones absolutely need to be replaced...and you know how this sort of thing works...the windows I want don't really blend with the old ones so...we have to sort out a way to blend the old with the new...basic plan is that front and upstairs will be changed, back/side/downstairs will stay and be painted out to match...oh...did I mention I want them all black?

4. house has none and that's dumb.

So... basically, I want a new deck, some new windows, trim work and a paint job.

There's a very strict budget for this and unlike in times past, I'm sticking hard to it.

All of this is going to be done in stages and may take a year or more to complete...Rome wasn't built in a day as they say.

Step one is the deck, step two are the windows and step three is the paint...this last one might be a 2013 project...along with the roof...god I hate having to spend money on ugly crap like that.


I put together a little mood-board and house mock-up to show you what the grande plan is.

I started by finding this glorious house that while a much larger/prettier version of mine, has the same feel as Casa Bijou and is the exact colour I'm after... also has plenty of gorgeous trim to covet and a like our house, a lilac bush along the side;)

So...we're going to pretend this glorious abode is my house and play dress up with it.

First, the boardski...

...basic thoughts...charcoal siding, thick white molding, brass hardware/lights, black and white stripes, pink flowers and accents, farm table (the one that used to be in my kitchen,) Panton chairs, outdoor rug, retractable awning, candles, flowers.

And PS, that settee is only 285 bones- can you say deal?

PSS, I'm ordering the Panton chairs from my new amazing sponsor Black Rooster- she put my wish list together in the personal shopping section of her that...can't wait for them to get here...oh and if you're in the market for a glass/metal patio table and chairs, email me...I've got one for sale;)

As for the facade itself...this is the plan... windows that are 6 squares each...and PS, I've gone through three configs before coming to are trick-mc-trickerson to figure out...I think these work for the size/proportion of all of my windows so happy, happy...also, I'm leaning towards a pink door...I know...a little crazy but tell me that isn't MY door colour?

Meredith suggested Kelly green...which I also love...

So there you have it.

The long term goal(s).

It's going to happen eventually but probably slowly.

But, if there's any company out there that's inclined to donate lumber, materials and the like, this whole thing will/can proceed MUCH faster and I'd be more than happy to blog the shitcastles out of it...just saying;)

Oh and while I have you...a few questions:

1. Knowing my house as you do, would you choose white or black windows for the interior?  

2. Pink or green for the door?

3. Is it OK to have mullions/muttons on only the front?  My living room windows are definitely not being replaced and are bar-less so wondering if I can leave all the back clear glass (upstairs as well).

Let's make it a poll please- decisions, decisions.

Love you nutter futters.

