Some Decisions and News

Hello friends.

It's Monday...I actually enjoy the start to the kids are both at school, hubster is at work and I love the quite, calm of the house when no one but me and the pooch are in it.

I had a grande weekend- got lots of shit done.

Sadly though, I couldn't document any of it in photos because my damn Instagram button has up and disappeared from my phone and silly me has forgotten my iTunes password- annoying.

And do you know what else sucks coffee bags...the fact that I sold my patio set on Friday, got up early Saturday to shine it all up, and watched the glass slide off and smash into a zillion pieces while we were carrying it to the dudes truck- boo to the hiss...anyone interested in a table frame?


On the positive side of things, I made some solid decisions about what's happening in my casa hood.

1. Thee deck is going to read like this gorge kitchen...

Panton chairs. chairs...harvest table...crystal.

I have the table already (one that used to be in my kitchen)- will be boat waxing it so that it can withstand the weather gods....ordering the chairs this week.

We're going with pressure treated wood because it's cheap and won't splinter up like the cedar...the floor boards will be stained grey and the railing is going to be solid stained white...and it will look like this...

2. With the help of design genius sounding board...I decided on the windows.

We're going with horizontal only these without the top transoms...

windows, windows, windows.

...they'll be white on the inside and like this outside...

black windows

...the layout will be EXACTLY like above- three widows across for the big windows, and two for the round numbers though...and I'll have thick white trim around mine...something like this favey fave abode...

A black exterior...
{via}'s the sketch...'ll note I chopped the dream house in half...a more realistic interpretation;)

The great news is that with this plan, I get to keep windows on the mainfloor that are in good condition...which means I get to save money...which means I can spend it somewhere else;)

3. Door is going to be gloss will come in with the new pink hydrangea hedge, pillows and accessories.

There will be lots of brass...a kick plate, antique lock set and a lion.

In my dream world, the door itself would be a fancy pants like this one...

Black door

4. Kitchen is out...just too $$$ and maybe too much in my space...I've got a lot of gold/metal/sparkle happening already.

But...I still want something a little unexpected.

So...last night Meredith and I tweeted back and forth about something along these lines...

example of a white hood centered over stove/kitchen counter, shelves on either side.


...but maybe with a little marble goodness thown on top...

Pinned Image

...or perhaps a little gold?

Still pondering/dreaming about that one;)

Loving the straight up rectangle as opposed to the triangle though...understated but still a little quirky.

5. I'm taking part in a kick ass designer consignment sale.

It's taking place in May.

My neighbour and her mom are both fabulous designers and have rented a warehouse so that they/me/some other amazing ladies, can sell off some 'inventory'...think fabric, pillows, curtains, accessories, antiques, furniture etc. etc.

The sale will be in Oakville and I'll be posting a whole lot more about it soon.

Let me just say for now that if you live in the GTA, you'll want to come by...some VERY talented peeps will be unloading their wares;)

The great upswing for me is that the sale has allowed me to clear out the 'extra' furniture/art/accessories I've been collecting hoarding...this means that we can finally set up the guest room as such, and rip up the carpet that has now been destroyed my dog Lola...not her fault...steroids are not a dog's bladder's best friend:(  

After seeing Meredith's kitchen photos I knew that marmoleum was the perfect solution for us...inexpensive, cool, and SO low maintenance.

My thought is to do something awesome in the hallway...

black and white high-polish floor tiles

...and then do solid black {it comes in a croc skin finish- woot} or something simpler {stripes} in the playroom...though things like this are VERY tempting...

Black and white floor tile

turquoise + lime + black and white floor

So that's where I am now.

As a sidenote, can someone please tell me why out of no where, I'm getting a spam comment every 8 bloody seconds?

Soooooooo annoying.

I'll be back tomorrow with a sweet like candy giveaway...stay tuned friends.
