Blog Podium

Good morning friends.

I know I promised a NYC review today but it's a holiday in the states so I figured I'd save that one for tomorrow.

And in the meantime, I'll share my most recent event fantastica...Blog Podium...

Organized by Lindsay Stephenson (Aubrey and Lindsay's Little House Blog) and Jennifer Flores (Rambling Renovators), Blog Podium is Canada's first and only design blogging conference series...

...and PS, it is AH-MAAZING...after experiencing more than a handful of events these past few weeks, I can honestly say that these two ladies should be giving lessons on how to put together a top notch party...the two dinamos are apparently major event organizing geniuses.

For one, they know how to pick a gorgeous space...the Arcadian loft...tres formidable!

...they also realize the importance of copious amounts of delish food...

...and how much people love swag i.e. free shit...

...and most importantly, Jenn and Lindsay know how critically important involving fabulous retail sponsorship is...

I felt VERY honoured to be a part of such a divinely executed event, which began with one of the best keynote addresses I've ever heard.

Nicole Balch (Making it Lovely) flew in from Chicago on PS, her first ever trip across the boarder, and completely opened my eyes to the immense world of blog monitization.

She's a rockstar and I sooooo appreciated her insight...

I also loved being asked to be a part of the 'expert' a nice ring to it;)

...alongside fellow blogger Lindsay and PR mavens, Cheryl Kozoriz (Gluckstein Home) and 
Laura Muirhead (Tribal DDB), we chatted about our views on montization opportunities here in Canada.

I absolutely adored sitting alongside such a dynamic group and PS, I think I like the sound of my own voice...could have stayed up there for hours;) So fun!

Our moderator Leigh-Ann Allaire Perrault kept us all in line and did an incredible job of leading the her!!

The event was a giant my humble opinion of course.

It brought together such a bevie of fabulous blogsters...

...for a some giant blogging brain expansion and a whole lotta fun...

PS, Mango Studios are aces in my books!

Until next time Podium.

