Friday Fancies - Blog Bash

Welcome to the almost long weekend everyone.

I'm looking VERY forward to this one...mostly because I'm leaving for...

...on Sunday.

Blogfest 2012 y'all.


Of course, I'm having a small panic attack about what the F to wear.

So many events, so little time/money to shop for them.

Also...the schedule of stuff to do is kind of jam packed...there appears to be zero time allocated for going back after a long day to change/make yourself presentable for the evening events.

I suppose this means one can either show up to a party in day wear or skip some mid-afternoon fun for a quick switcheroo.

I'm debating both options...and this is making outfit planning akin to rocket science...well not really but you get the drift.

Thankfully, I have a few things sorted...thanks to hubster's mama's day gift card, I did find a couple of new pretties to pack.

I also put this chartreuse dress on hold...

Blazer . Dress . Earrings . RingClutch . Shoes }

...though I have no idea what the hell to pair it wish moola wasn't an option...if not, I'd very much be doing what's above.

What about the rest of my fellow BF attendees?

Packing dresses?  Packed?

