Friday Fancies- Inspired by Lolita...Flirty French

Good morning lovers.

It's Friday...thank the gods.

I've had a bananas busy week that was topped off today when my 3 year old me he 'loved me 100 much'- can't get much better than that I would say;)

My 6 year old also discovered her first loose tooth.

Both do a mama's heart beaucoup good.

In other news, I discovered and fell hard for this shot...

restaurant design, wow

...which I later found out is a restaurant aptly named Lolita... can visit yourself and soak in all the time you're in Slovenia;)

If I ever have a real live store, this will be topskis in the inspiration file...I ADORE the feminine, flirty, French style...I'm sure you're not at all surprised by this.

I also came across this goodie from Minheart, thanks to Decor 8...

...yup...that's a hide with a divine girly/pretty image printed on top...j'adore x a million.

Aren't the restaurant and hide a match made in design heaven?

I think they are.

In fact, my brain forced me to make a board out of them...


...which later turned into an ensemble...

{other fancies can be found here}

Will take the restaurant, hide and frock to go please.

Happy weekend almost.

