Mama's Day - Part Deux

Good morning.


Eve so time for more prezzie ideas.

Today we're doing home goodies a la my fabo sponsors.

First up, Sarah Swanson's Gallery Wall...if you're looking for that perfect piece of art to finish of your art installation, peer no further...

And if pillows are your they are mine/all smart peoples...then send your significant other to Fabricadabra for some credit card denting...

Yum to the yum.

Now...if you'd like your person to shop a little bit of everything and surprise you, then check out the gorgeous wares from Black Rooster Decor...

...and Cooper Grey...

Sooooo much goodness.

I'll be back tomorrow (going for 7 for 7 this week;) with the winner of my Brave Tote bag giveaway...if you haven't done so yet, get your entries in now...times-a-runnin-out.

I'll also be posting about a few weekend shopping destinations you don't want to miss.

And with that, I'll bid you bye bye for now.

I have a kindergarten fair and university info session to go in my kid's ages much;)

Later lovers.
