Planechase 2012 Decks 2

Happy Saturday MTG peeps,

In our previous post, we relayed a summary of the new Magic the Gathering Planechase 2012 decks to you straight from the mothersite.  Today, we wanted to bring you some fresh Planechase 2012 spoilers from Holland.  Gaming store Spelkwartier, located in Arnhem, Netherlands yesterday had posted scans of the back of each of the four Planechase decks which gives us a bit more information as to the flavour and strategy of each of these decks.  Let's have a peek - 

De nieuwe Planechase decks komen volgende week uit! Hier alvast een voorproefje!
The "Chaos Reigns" deck puts the power of cascade in your hands—cast a spell, then cast another spell for free! Wield all five colors of mana and watch your opponents scramble to deal with every flavor of aggression.
The "Night of the Ninja" deck lets you sneak behind enemy lines, disrupt their plans, and strike silently. Scouts and shinobi pair with disruption spells to keep opponents bewildered until it's too late.
With the "Primordial Hunger" deck, your early threats become delicious snacks for your giant creatures, making them even more fearsome. Just when opponents think you're trying to swarm them, you'll summon a game-ending predator instead.
The "Savage Auras" deck shapes light into ferocity. Summon predators and cloak them in protective Umbras to save them from destruction. Meanwhile your auramancy will give your creatures a myriad of death-dealing powers!
The folks over at MTG Mint Card already have up known  Planechase 2012 singles for pre-order, so check 'em out.