
Good morning friends.

I hope you all enjoyed a delightful Mother's Day/weekend.

Mine was good.

To begin the fun, my little red had her Mother's Day Tea at school and well...it made my heart almost explode.

How can I not melt when the kid paints her vase for me pink?

Clearly a product of my DNA, my sweetness thought of the decor when determining her colour scheme...see how perfect it works...


I'm also framing up her rendition of moi toute suite...i.e. lickity split.

...again with the pink:)

The weekend itself started bright and early Saturday morning with my little one's school fair.

Mac held a tarantula...

...and Scarlett didn't;)

She provided encouragement...

..and told me alllll about her other Mother's Day gift...

...according to her teacher's version of the story, my little red was not at ALL keen about the idea of black paint smeared all over her hands- took 20 minutes of convincing apparently...hilarious and sooo typical...I hate the word diva but the kid kind of is one and I adore her for it.

Moving on.

Apres fair was switching gears time...we loaded everyone up in the car and headed for a university open house with the big kid.

And then...one of the most satisfying/happiest moments of my life happened.

I listened as a professor basically outlined the programme equivalent of my child...I was glued to every word and held my breathe praying to Jesus that my daughter was thinking/feeling the same thing.

When it was over and she looked up I was almost too afraid to ask what she thought, for fear she'd say this program nirvana wasn't for her.

If you're a parent you know what I'm talking about here...the fear that your child will choose wrong and not take the humongous opportunity in front of them...it's almost paralysing.

Anyhoo...thankfully, my smart like Sunday morning kid saw the light and clicked accept later that day.

So...my sweet big girl will be one of 48 kids studying Integrated Science next year at McMaster University...

which PS, is only 30 minutes away...and PSS, is one of only two programmes like it in the world....and is PSSS PERFECT for her....so, so, so, so happy.

My Natasha is perhaps the smartest human being I know and I'm entirely convinced she's going to be a huge success one day and make me even more proud than I already am...which right now, seems impossible but I know it is going to happen.

Here she is with Tulip apres tour at our celebratory lunch...

One day I'll tell you the whole story of how this sweet girl came into my life but for now, I'll just say I believe it nothing short of divine intervention and I feel incredibly blessed.

I'm a lucky, lucky mama.

Saturday was capped off with drinks on the deck with our fave neighbours and then I woke up Sunday to hubby prezzies and kid's cards.

Natasha gave me these goodes..

...which she later told me cost her NOTHING...some mix-up at Chapters resulted in no charge for all of it...winning.

I can't WAIT to read that great smut on my way to NYC this Sunday;)

Husband had given me these beautious flowers earlier in the week ...

...and then surprised me with the perfect gift...a gift card to our brand spanking new Anthropologie, which PS, is right around the corner from my house....danger...

...heading there after I get this post published;)

We spent the rest of the day visiting my parental units in London.

We had a great day, which was highlighted by a little stop at their newest hospital dream home.

The kitchen in particular caught my eye...

...can we talk about the floors?

I die.

I also adore the backsplash...sheets of glass with wallpaper behind- gorge.

Not so crazy about that high display unit stuck on the island but other than that, job well done dream house peeps.

My parents and I also discussed the possibility of them moving closer to us and I SO hope they do.

Dad...I hope you're reading this;)

I've been realizing more and more how quickly time just seems to whisper away and I can't imagine anything better than having my kids be able to see their nana and papa more often.

You all know I adore stuff and pretty things...like this delightful pink/leopard scarf my mama bear gave me....

...but the cheesy truth is that I'd pick family moments over a collection of goodies any day of the week.

Ones like these...

...that make me so happy for the joy that comes with being a daughter and a mother...there's just nothing like it.


