Flower Multiplication

I'm a self-professed flower whore...love and spend too much money on them.

But, if I didn't, my house would seem a shell of itself...truly.

Luckily, thanks to yesterday's anniversary and the love muffin, my house's floral quotient just got a large boost.

This arrived in the a.m...

...pretty, though to be honest, I'm not a large bouquet kind of girl...I much prefer smaller little posies sprinkled all over - more bang for your buck sort of thing...plus in giant bunches, I just don't think you really appreciate the beauty of each bloom so...I like to leave them whole for about a day...that way hubster can enjoy his donation to the love fund...for some reason, he's not so found of my flower break up routine...men....anyhoo...I woke up this morning and did the great flower distribution.

In the end, that bunch gave me...

...8 arrangements, a small pile of leftover greens and a new vase...

...not too shabby.

So how about you?

Are you a bigger is better kind of gal/gent or do you prefer to spread the wealth?
