Get into my....

Hey there yummer lovers.

I'm happy to be introducing a new series here on B&B called 'Get into my....'

Basically, I'm going to show you things I want and how I'd put them together to make a little room pretty...also, I'm hoping some of you talented peeps out there will want to take part and give me a little guest post game?  Hope so.

First up...some loveliness brought to you by the Dering Hall...aka...decor heaven.

My wish list...

...god I want those pink and black lamps- they ring it at a reasonable $650 and if the whole unemployment thing wasn't going on, they'd so be mine...same goes for the coffee table...sadly, the entrance rock like gorgeousity is out of bounds for this cat, even when hubster is working.

Moving on...a foyer...

...and a living room...

Could you die for the Gary McBournie wallpaper? I could.

Also, the green chairs and brass console really should be mine...perhaps one of my dear clients will indulge me and buy up some of this pretty...or allow me to make either of the plans above happen...that might satisfy the lust factory building in my brain...maybe.

Everything you see, with the exception of the rugs, sconces and artwork, is available at Dering Hall.

So what do you think?  Would you add any of these pretties to your lust list?

