Weekend Ods, Sods and Art

It's July 16th, which means I've been married for 7 years today...apparently this is the itch year but so far so good;)

Although the stress of no jobski is probably going to bite us in the ass soon, I am rather liking the whole hubster at home gig...especially because it allows to me to paint...like all day long....I'm cranking the work out like a gangster these days...it's helping me cope with dog sadness in a large way...I'm pretty sure this week is going to be the one I've been dreading like the worst possible plague so you'll probably notice paintings being added to the shop daily...total coping mechanism...sad Christine = prolific Christine.

Some new stuff:

1. I finished a 3 painting commission that I've been working on for weeks...here's a little peak at one of the three, Betsy...

...the trio will be worked into an amazing new bathroom space designed by Nyla Free and I can't wait.

2. I just finished my largest painting yet- a 24x24 piece named Saffron...

...she'll be up in the shop later this morning.

3. A dainty little pretty called Eloise...

Aside from the painting, a few other weekend tidbits...

1. Scarlett showed up on billboards in Sears...

2. My phone became a casualty of the painting blitz...

3. The Panton chairs I ordered for #projectexterior arrived from my fabo sponsor
  Black Rooster...j'ADORE!!!

All in all, a bon bon weekend.

Hope yours was filled with candyland goodness too.
