1ist Dibs - Photo Archive

I  made a rather fetching discovery this morning...I suspect I'm the only one that didn't already know about this but whateves...I'm going to tell you about it anyways...nothing better to do as it were;)

1st Dibs has a photo archive that allows you to sort of shop the picture...they take the photos and then find similar items for sale...good stuff.

Since I usually can't afford anything from the dibs, I was more focused on the pictures then the goods...

Oh la la la la...tons o inspiration up there.

I did discovered after saving all of my favourite images that I apparently like the 'ecclectic' category...not that I was surprised...are you like me in wishing that the world could invent another word for this type of design though...sort of over the 'e' word.

Anyhoo...I plan on using many of these shots for some Casa Bijou projects...most notably this one...

I'm thinking of taking out one of the shelves in my chinoiserie cabinet so that I can stack some art in it...I've got an alternative plan on that front though...more on that tomorrow.

Happy day all.
