Need Design Assitance

Hello lovelies.

I'm in need of some design help today.

The info you need to assist...

We're potentially doing a bit of a bedroom shift since older daughter is off to uni in a couple of weeks...the room she has is sort of on its own level- the landing at the top of the stairs...and it's huge...trouble is, there's no closet and lots of walls...I know the later doesn't sound like a problem but it sort of is because the plan is to plaster the walls in this...

Now I know some people of are of the mind that a room covered in this might be a tad busy and though I can understand the argument, I just don't agree in this case because my little girl needs it in her life- Orangie is basically her in wallpaper form...also, if it's good enough for Summer Thornton, it's good enough for me;)'s the dilemma...the large room presently looks like this...

...ignore the foggy shots...took them this morning while my daughter was still sleeping.

Also ignore the total mess...the room is mid emptying/sorting/packing so is in a bit of turmoil.

The big thing here is that my house is not massive and this room is a lot of valuable real estate...Scarlett is kind of jam packed in her room, though it is a pretty good size...she's just got a lot of stuff...two end tables, dresser/mirror, vanity, chair, book case, get the, do I move her into the big room and do this...

...knowing that to wallpaper that much wall space would likely bankrupt me and would be a LOT of flowers....or do I keep Scarlett in her present room, which is more a square/one large window sort of deal.

Or idea I use the Orangie in the big room on only the back wall?

I'm not really a fan of accent walls in wallpaper though, especially when it's a bold pattern like this one.

The other concern about moving Scarlett into the big room is that there's really no wall for a headboard  because of the slanted ceilings and windows on all three sides...and the no closet gig for her would be a problem...the girl likes her dresses.

Oh and you should probably know that whichever room Scarlett does not get is also going to get a makeover and most definitely will need to serve it's own purpose.

I'll fill you in more on the plans for that space soon...for now, I'll let you in on the wallpaper plans since this might affect your decision...

I've wanted to use Swan Lake forever and seeing how Naomi used it in her client's bedroom transformation totally sealed the deal...must happen.

So, do you like the idea of this paper in the bigger room and the Orangie in the smaller?

Keep in mind that the DG floral is about twice the price of the Swan Lake so that will definitely come in to play.

To be honest, just writing this post has sort of made me think that Scarlett should stay where she is and get the Orangie in her present/smaller room...but then that ginormous room will be there and I'm not sure if I need such a big space for what I need it for...arg.

Of course, the other option is to scrap the Orangie paper altogether, which would mean Scarlett could more easily move in to the bigger room...and the smaller room does serve the other purpose better but...I just SO WANT THAT FLORAL PRETTINESS....decisions, decisions.

HELP thank you please.
