Quiet Leaf

My house is feeling weirdly un-chaotic these days...and not in a good way.

It became significantly quieter the moment our sweet Lola was no longer here and got even more silency yesterday with the departure of my big kid...we dropped her off for an orientation camping trip and came home to a house that feels now verrrrry empty.

I guess I never really realized how the craziness had become my normal...having now only 4 people under one roof seems blah and full of much less energy...I know we'll get used to it and that our dear Tasha will visit and such but still...for now, it's just sort of yuck.

On the 'attmepting to be positive' side of things, for the first time in a while, our home isn't feeling too small.

Also, I've got so many thoughts about the now empty large bedroom and am itching to get started...there's still the whole 'no job' and lack of fundage thing so plans will definitely be modified but there's still fun to be had.

And speaking of projects/enjoyment, I spent this past weekend working on my Home Show up-cycle challenge...I'm now a total gold leafing expert and was pleasantly surprised by the whole thing...it's actually not that hard...I've now got plans to gold leaf my brains out.

I promise after pictures of my little DIY soon.

For now, in the spirit of both leafing and quiet, I scanned Pinterest for some pretty things that seemed apropos...

This room for example...

Meredith Pardue paintings

...the delightful femininity of it all had me at hello.

This one too...

light blue walls with gold textiles

...it's hard to go wrong with lucite and a gold brocade bed.

It's also difficult to be judged poorly when you come up with this brilliance...

Gold Leaf Heels

...watch out closet high heels...my gold leafing brush is coming for you.

I'll probably also leaf up something in Scarlett's new room...maybe a table...

gold tray table

And PS, I adore that headboard and the wallpaper...speaking of the later, do you think you could gold leaf walls?

I supposed you could...

gold walls

Gold-leaf walls by Nancy Lorenz

...though let's be real...that's a bit cray-cray for a 6 year old.

Perhaps something a little more subtle...

Gold striped walls

...I think Jessica nailed it with her gold treatment.

Or maybe this sort of business could happen...

white + gold walls.

...and would work perfectly with the dressing room theme.

Hum...I'm sort of going off on a tangent here but my brain has suddenly gone a bit wild with leafing  ideas.

What about a stencil action...

lavender + gold painted walls

...though that sort of thing would take FOREVER.

This might be more manageable...

Gold leaf on the walls. Yes.

...and is very pretty.


...perhaps I'll just stick with the original plan and get the damn wallpaper that I want.


In all likelihood, the room will probably be painted pink (since I have about 10 cans leftover from the kitchen) for now and once the $ sitch resolves, I'll order up some paper.

Still...it's fun to think about some creative projects and you know how I feel about gold.
