A Birthday, an Auction and a Few Paintings

Today is a special day around casa Bijou...it's my sweet little dude's birthday...

4 years ago today I held him in my arms for the very first time, scared to death that he was a boy and unsure what the hell I was supposed to do with a kid that had a weiner...but, of course, filled to the brim with total love.

Since I'm preggers at the moment, I can't get too mushy with this or tears will literally start streaming down my face... sufficed to say that any fears I had of boydom have been so amazingly erased...this little guy completely and utterly makes me melt...he's the most loving, mushy child and so hilarious...he's emotional and sensitive...basically me in 4 year old boy form...he holds my hand every chance he can and starts every single day with a croaky 'I love you mommy' - I feel so very blessed to be him mama and thank the gods they didn't listen to me when I said 'no boys allowed'...how completely and utterly wrong I was...couldn't imagine our home without him.


Damn hormones.


On a less emotional note, our Upcycle Challenge items are now up for sale on ebay...

...so my bench totally could be yours...click HERE to bid...all proceeds will be going to Habitat for Humanity so yes, a very good cause...all of the projects are fabulous so yes, buy them up!

And if you haven't already cast your vote for the upcycle you love most, please click HERE.

In other news, I've just finished a few paintings...


...and Araminta (30x40)...she'll be up in the shop later today...

Hope you like;)

Just before I go, make sure you check back tomorrow...I'm reviving my 'Style in 7' series with a post you won't want to miss...I've decided to focus the next batch on new blog faces so introductions are a comin...which reminds me, if you have a relatively new blog and would like to get the word out on who you are and what you're about, please shoot me an email...I'd love to feature your 7!

Happy days.
