Sponsor Welcome - Lili and Belle...and a Guest Post

Hello sweet cyber friends...I have to start the day by telling you how incredibly touched I was by all of your amazingly sweet comments yesterday...moved me to tears they did:)

We actually had another ultrasound yesterday and all looks great...so very happy and beaucoup excited to share the whole nursery/baby fun stuff with you.

In the meantime, I've got a fab-boat sponsor to introduce you to...meet...

You know I love great art and am always especially enamoured with fashion illustrations so when aspiring interior designer Genevieve, of the blog The Passionate Peony, sent me a link to her shop...well I was instantly smitten...to say the least.

Genevieve's pieces all start out as magazine images that she then sketches and digitally enhances...the result is nothing short of total gorgeousity...see..

...total graphic femininity...love, love, love.

Lili & Belle will see new pieces being added weekly so make sure you favouite that shop goodness up.

Oh and before I let you go...I also wanted to link over to a little guest post I did for one of my blogging besties, Tim of Design Maze fame.

He asked me to put together my thoughts on trends for fall 2012...here's.a sneak peek of numero uno...

...you can click HERE to see the rest:)

And with that, a giant thank you again for being support superstars.
