I Love, I Bought, I Want...

Since it's Monday you know how much I like to drag my family around all weekend/shop my brains out, I thought why not do an installment of love, bought, want.

First up...stuff I just simply heart.

I need to be more specific here...I discovered a store in Toronto on Saturday that  basically represents my brain in shop form...it's literally a crystal box of pretty filled with a mix of vintage and new...all of it glamorous...all of it gorgeous. Truly, this place should be my store and I have no idea who I've missed it up until this point...Decorum...I. LOVE. YOU.

Here a few of my LOVE items...

1. Yes please gold and velvet stool...

2. You know you want to live in my house you vintage Murano, pink glass beauty you...

3. Why yes...I'd love some lucite pedestal action thank you...

4. My mystery gender bean so wants you perfectly warn leather rocker you...if he's a he that is...

...and fur pillows, 'maybe he' wants some of your action too...

5. Oh hello gorgeous bar cart with wheels...my goodness you're sparkly...

6. I have no words for you lady light lusciousness...

...or you either...

So. Much. Pretty.

I also visited one of my favourite antique haunts here in the GTA called Clappison Corners...

Saw these heavenly bedside tables that were PS. completely lined in velvet...

...and a disco ball...have always wanted one of those for the playroom...or fireplace mantle...

Now...moving on to things I actually bought.

Saturday was mostly spent on a mad hunt for some pants to actually fit this ever growing (woot, woot...I'm 20 weeks/half way there!!!!) belly...

...black leggings have been kind to me but I've been getting a little tired of their constant rotation and was desperate to have a pair of jeans on that actually you know, did something radical i.e. zipped/buttoned up.

So...I ventured to the big city in search of some decent maternity ware and happily came home with these black Paige numbers...

...and a blue Citizens of Humanity pair...

Good stuff.

Both sets feel like butter and fit the ever growing bump so well- thank Christ.

And speaking of the bean in the belly...we're due to find out if it's a 'he' or 'she' bright and early tomorrow morning so stay tuned...will likely announce the big news tomorrow afternoon....I'm SOOOOOO farking excited....


Now, back to topic at hand....my magic store discovery also gave me two new 'please Gods/Santa...I really deserve these things and really, really want them' items.

First, there was this knock-off Mouille goddess, that PS, barely hit a 4 digit price tag...barely.

Tell me it doesn't belong beside my settee?

I dare you.

And then, there was this...

AKA...the most PERFECT hanging fixture of all time that PS, would work like magic on my staircase...that PSS, is more than just barely 4 digits but still semi-affordable which PSSS, makes it ridiculously tempting.


Anyone want to hire me to decorate your house so I can buy more for mine?

Pretty please?

Oh and one last thing before I go...I'm happily taking part in Trina's 'Monday Mess' series today so if you want to see the ugly truth about some not so perfect corners of my house...click HERE and get a load of this sort of thing...

Such a great series...honoured to be taking part.

Talk soon lovelies.
