MTG Memes

Happy Friday MTG peeps,

Get your standard constructed deck ready for this weekend and rock some Magic: the Gathering sweetness on Return to Ravnica Gameday.

We'll be attending the tournament at our local games store OMG! Games, here in Barrie Ontario to not only to score a Dryad Militant participation promo but also try to win one of the Cryptborn Horror Top 8 prize promos.

Here are the details for the OMG! Games event (they are about an hour north of Toronto)
Registration: 11:30am
Start time: 12:30pm
Cost: $5
• All participants recieve a full art Dryad Militant
• Top 8 players recieve a full art Cryptborn Horror
• First place will recieve a exclusive champion playmat
• Booster packs will go to top players based on attendance.
Format: Standard swiss rounds with cut to top 8

Anywhoos - onto today's post . . .

'meme' (mēm) : An image, video, etc. that is passed electronically from one Internet user to another. 

Check out these very witty posts from Tumblr blogger 'MTG Memes' - this is one of the MTG blogs we read regularly. 
