Baby, Baby, Baby Nursery - Aubrey of All Things Bright and Beautiful

I know it's turkey day for my friends south of the border...I hope you are all enjoying mucho delicious food and time with your sweet loved ones.

Since it's also still Thursday, I'm happy to share another installment of...

...brought to you by the completely hilarious...

{ All Things Bright and Beautiful }

Now I know you all know and completely adore Aubrey and her fabulously funny, sweet and fashion forward self's further proof of her moodboard form that is;)


Bonjour, B&B-ers! 
It's Aubrey from All Things Bright and Beautiful here to gush and mush over how mush I love B&B!

I would really love to act like a super cool and chic blogger right about now, but I just can't help myself... 

 *GAH!!!!* I'm so excited for Babe B&B!!!

Her two little chicklets are already the cutest little things on the planet, so I can only imagine bambino J is going to follow in his sibs' footsteps. {LOVE}

And as chuffed as I am to be here, I have to admit something:

 I know pretty much *nothing* about design!
That being said, a girl can still dream, right???
And I can *always* come up with some dream items....

Congrats to the happy mommy (who, by the way, looks every bit as cute as ever preggers)!


What did I tell you?

OBSESSED with that wallpaper and with the amber chandy and with all that Dorothy D goodness...the whole thing is totally delish to say the least.

A huge thanks to Aubrey for sending some of her sweetness over here- so so appreciated!

Now because it's a holiday in the US, I'm predicting less views over here today so I'm going to leave this beauty of a post up until the weekend...and again, if you've missed any of the other baby boards so far, a button on my right sidebar will link you right on over to all of them.

Enjoy the holiday Americans and happy almost weekend to the rest of us.
