Baby, Baby, Baby Nursery - Nichole from Parlour

Happy November all...I for one am excited a new month is upon us because it means that I'm that much closer to meeting our little bundle of joy:)

And on that note, it's time to start a little guest post series that we're going to call...

I've asked some of my favourite bloggers to come up with what they see as my dreamboat baby abode

And to start things off, the fabulously talented Nichole from...

Parlour here.

I have looooong admired her fearlessly dramatic style and had a very good hunch she'd come up with a 'we're obviously kindred spirits' baby board.

The proof is in the pudding my friends....


Soooo, when lady Christine asked me to help her out and make a design board for her new baby boy, I was thrilled. 1. Because I am just so happy/excited for her...and 2. Because I have never done a Nursery before and I always like a good challenge.  Admittedly, it was kind of intimidating but, then I got to thinking...what would I do if (dear God, yikes!) I was having the kid and, I went from there. I took some cues that Christine had already put out there...aka the lamp and such but, then I went a little rogue.  I always imagine little boys want to be Princes and Kings (after all, we want to be princesses, right?) so I went a little medieval...literally. Plus, I threw my owe special brand of crazy in there for fun.  Hope you enjoy it C.  Best to you, the fam, and of course, that lovely, (redheaded?) bouncing baby boy!


Isn't it all just soooooo darn dreamy?

I'm pretty sure the chandelier has to happen and that rug...oh how my heart loves a good leopard...the whole thing- totally just knocks my socks off.

A giant thank you to Nichole for basically reading my mind and making a board that pushed me to dream even bigger.

Bloggers = Besties

Stay tuned every Thursday for baby boards a plenty my friends.

In the meantime, don't OD on candy.
